HD 6770 vs GTX 550 ti vs HD 5670


Nov 10, 2002
So, i just upgraded my system after quite some time. The new system specs are in the sig below. As you can see i'm stuck on onboard video at the moment, and before I place the order on my video card i'd like some help narrowing down which is the best fit for me.

I haven't touched my desktop in years so I don't know exactly how much I will be using my system for more than just web browsing but I'm anticipating playing some games, photoshopping, and possibly even doing some 3d studio max.

I can say for sure my monitor is a 19" acer, and my resolution is at 1440 x 900. I play counter-strike:source a lot, but that game barely requires anything substantial these days. I'd like to try out some newer games as well though.

I've narrowed it down to these few cards:

HD 5670 --$66 After rebate, I'm just testing waters with this, I totally don't mind spending the extra money on the cards below, but just want to see your opinions on this one.

HD 6770 --$100 After rebate

GTX 550 ti --$110 After rebate

Thanks all
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GTX550 Ti is faster than HD6670 and has lower price. +1 for Zotac.
The 5670 is a good card. It will be ok to play CS at 1440 x 900. It should be ok at playing newer titles at that resolution.

I would lean towards the 5670 because of price.
With shipping the 6790 bumps up to 122$.

Between the 550 ti and the HD 6770, i'm realizing the 550 ti is a more powerful card but at the cost of consuming a ton of power. In this case I feel that saving a bit on electric bills is worth losing a bit of performance. Opinions?

That leaves the HD 6790 at 122$ versus the HD 6770 at 100$. I'm kind of trying to save money here so I will probably settle for the HD 6770.

One other thing I forgot to mention is I will be using the HDMI output often to transfer audio/video over to my lcd tv, primarily for movies. My question is how does the audio perform on HDMI out on these video cards? Is one better than the other in brand, model?

I am not sure where you got the idea about the power consumption, but just fyi, the GTX 550 ti only consumes a little more than the 6770. 6770 is 106 watts at idle and 550 ti is 116 watts idle.

Most benchmarks the 550 ti and 6770 are pretty close in performance, so not taking into account if you like nvidia or ati better, the 6770 is probably the better buy due to being cheaper and consuming a little less power.

Also the 5670 is a damn good buy at $60ish or so, it just depends on what games you want to play and how high of quality and res you want to play at. If it is only mild gaming, this card should be plenty of everything else you mentioned. Photoshop and 3d studio max dont exactly have huge requirements. Even a $20 video card would be fine for that stuff.

I am in the middle of making video card decisions as well. Unfortunately now is the worst time to buy a video card because the new ones are coming out soon.

PS: Dont get saphire or zotac lol. The XFX is same price as saphire and has more games and a lifetime warranty. Zotac is....zotac...
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PS: Dont get saphire or zotac lol. The XFX is same price as saphire and has more games and a lifetime warranty. Zotac is....zotac...

This comment made me LOL. A great example of why you should read reviews instead of looking to the general public for advice about hardware.
My concern with the 5760 is that although it appears to be an adequate card for right now, especially at the resolution I play at (1440x900), i'm not sure if it will be future-proof. It seems to max out at around 33fps on current games, I can only expect that number to go down on upcoming games such as bf3, possibly to the point where I could regret the decision.

If that is not the case, and the 5760 would be estimated to be fine for future games at moderate to high settings given my resolution, then it is definitely something I need to reconsider.

At this point, I am not biased to either ati or nvidia. I used to prefer nvidia, but that was many years ago and i'm sure things have changed now. Regarding driver stability, is one leading at the moment?

Also, regarding the HDMI sound output, is one better than the other in this category?

Thanks again.