HD3870 --> HD4850?


Sep 12, 2004

I was wondering, is it worth upgrading from my HD3870 to a overclocked HD4850 or is it just a waste of money?

P965 MB
E8400 @ 3,6GHz
4GB DDR2-800

Currently playing at 1440x900 (19") but I'm planning to upgrade to a 24" monitor (I can always lower the resolution, good interpolation at 1440x900).

I'm only asking because I'm planning on upgrading, well... more like buying a new computer around December 2009 with Core i7 and whatever new graphics card released until then. Like I said I could just lower the resolution and wait... and despair :p
Yes. Simple answer.

I went 3870x2 to one.

I maybe wrong but a 3870x2 loses to 4850 in terms of performance. There has been reports about micro shuttering issue on 3870x2 so 4850 may seem smoother, despite lower FPS.
For the resolution you mentioned, a 4850 should handle most new games without any issues. Seems like a good upgrade and can be found for around $140-150.

Nope 3870x2 > 4850 > 3870.

Crysis is just one game and is already known to run terribly on CrossFire.

In some games the 3870x2 is faster, yes, but in some games its also complete crap. A 4850 is easily the better choice, especially once you enable AA. Look at CoD4 1280x1024 2xAA: http://www.techpowerup.com/reviews/Powercolor/HD_4850/6.html The 3870x2 trails the 4850 by 30fps+, and that is only with 2xAA.
Yeah, the 3870X2 has still got the broken AA engine from the 2900 and 3000 series. I think the 4850 is a better choice, especially considering the lower power draw and more consistent performance.
A friend of mine went from 3870 to 4850 and his HL2 benchmark didn't improve much. It's an upgrade but not much of one IMO. I would go 4870 1GB if you can afford it.
never knew that the 965 can support 45nm processors.

and ooh you will see lots of difference.

and i tried it and i have a superclocked 8800GTS G80 version.

and it is a little faster than the 3870 and i saw lots of more performance.
A friend of mine went from 3870 to 4850 and his HL2 benchmark didn't improve much. It's an upgrade but not much of one IMO. I would go 4870 1GB if you can afford it.

That's cuz its friggin HL2. Source engine is probably cpu limited at that point
I did the 3870 to 4850 upgrade with AM2 6400+ cpu @3.2Ghz. On a 19" monitor at 1280 x 1024, there was little difference. Even in 3dMark06 there scores were about the same. I felt pretty ripped off. But when I went to at 22" monitor at 1680 x 1050, THAT'S were the 4850 pulled away from the 3870 in terms of performance.

IMO, at the resolutions you game it, you'll notice a bump in performance but maybe not as much as you'd like. I suggest the 4870 for a single card solution.
I went from an 8800GT-SLI to a 4870 and was very happy with the upgrade/sidegrade. Another system I have had a 3850, and upgraded that one to a 4850 and the performance difference was like night and day. Amazing upgrade and highly recommended.
The 4850 is consistently more powerful than the 3870x2 (with few exceptions), not to mention that it runs cooler. The 4850 is still probably the best bang-for-the-buck card under $200.
I did the 3870 to 4850 upgrade with AM2 6400+ cpu @3.2Ghz. On a 19" monitor at 1280 x 1024, there was little difference. Even in 3dMark06 there scores were about the same. I felt pretty ripped off. But when I went to at 22" monitor at 1680 x 1050, THAT'S were the 4850 pulled away from the 3870 in terms of performance.

IMO, at the resolutions you game it, you'll notice a bump in performance but maybe not as much as you'd like. I suggest the 4870 for a single card solution.

If you had AA on at 1280x1024 the 4850 would have been a lot faster. I run 1280x1024 with a 4850 and I always have at least 4xAA if not 8xAA on in every single game I play (except Crysis, which has Edge_AA at 2 - no idea what the '2' corresponds to, since there is also a 1, but whatever). 3dMark06 is completely useless in measuring performance, next time use a demanding game.
4850's are a no brainer. 200 bucks for 4850 Crossfire after rebates and 30% cash back on Ebay? Easy choice.
Yes its a no brainer especially if you upgrade to a 24" 1920x1200 monitor and want AA on.
I went from a 512MB 3870 on a 19" 1440x900 monitor to a 1GB 4850 on a 24" 1920x1200 monitor and don't regret my decision one bit.
Contrary to popular belief my card holds up pretty well at this resolution on the games I play (Crysis, COD4, MOH:A, UT3, W40K) probably due to the 1GB onboard GDDR3 RAM.
Thanks. I just wanted to be sure. I know the HD4870 would be a better option but I can't afford it right now. Besides, next year I'm upgrading so... ;)
Thanks. I just wanted to be sure. I know the HD4870 would be a better option but I can't afford it right now. Besides, next year I'm upgrading so... ;)

If you're at 1440x900 I question how much you'll truly notice the 4850 over the 3870. Are there games you're hurting on other than Crysis with the 3870 at that res?
If you're at 1440x900 I question how much you'll truly notice the 4850 over the 3870. Are there games you're hurting on other than Crysis with the 3870 at that res?
I think the point is that he's buying a 24" monitor which probably has a 1920x1200 native resolution that I'm willing to bet he'd like to take full advantage of.

The improved AA performance on the 4850 may be the deal breaker for the 3870 X2, if you're already set on upgrading. But you currently have a 3870, and Thanksgiving deals are around the corner. I'd say try using your 3870 at 1900x1200 for the games you play now, and as soon as you run into unacceptable performance: upgrade (which may be immediately).

Potentially you can get a better deal if prices continue to drop, or if the 3870 is acceptable for now (depending on what you're playing) you can wait until the next best thing comes out.
As Vaelin said, it's probably best to wait until Black Friday or something when the price for the 4850 will drop even more. The 3870 should be enough to last you until then, but for a 24" at 1920x1200, the 4850 is a certain improvement over the 3870. Up to you to decide when you want to get the upgrade.
What about the HD4830? I'm still in the process of reading reviews but I can get that one for less than retail price...
No, that is pointless to get if you are going to a 24" monitor..
What about the HD4830? I'm still in the process of reading reviews but I can get that one for less than retail price...

OK perhaps I miss understood. You are for sure getting the 24" some time soon. OK then yes I'd wait it out with the 3870 see how much of a bit you take at 1920x1200 and then in a few weeks when the deals are flying around pick up a 4850 maybe for less than $125.

Also regarding the 4830 absolutely not. Its selling at the 4850 price practically. It should be a sub$100 card to compete with the 9800GT which is selling at $99AR these days. The 4830 would be a half step up from your 3870 not the full step the 4850 would be
Yes, but I'll only be able to buy the 24" in a few months. I'll scout the used graphic cards too. Maybe I can buy cheap HD4870.
Yes, but I'll only be able to buy the 24" in a few months. I'll scout the used graphic cards too. Maybe I can buy cheap HD4870.

A few months, ok. Yeah I'd just hate to see you step into a 4850 now and when you get that 24" later feel its not enough card. It probably is just enough card right now.
I hope you guys are right about 4850 being good upgrade for 24" monitor since I'm buying one in few days to replace my 2900 pro @ 770 core speeds :)
4870 FTW
As long as you have a fast cpu get a fast video card the 4870 1gb model
I hope you guys are right about 4850 being good upgrade for 24" monitor since I'm buying one in few days to replace my 2900 pro @ 770 core speeds :)

The 4850 is an excellent upgrade for the 24" (1920x1200) and is the best video card under $200. Consistently better than the 9800GTX+. You can't go wrong with the 4850 and it should last you for quite some time.

4870 FTW
As long as you have a fast cpu get a fast video card the 4870 1gb model

He has no need to spend $300 on a video card whose potential he will not use. The 4850 is more than enough for what he needs.
When do you plan on getting a new monitor? If longer than a few weeks, I wouldn't get ANY video card now. At your current resolution the 3870 can easily give you good performance in any game out there, and be able to max out the vast majority of them at the same time. Upgrade the card when you get your monitor, you'll likely save some money, or spend about the same for something better.

Now, as to the 4850 paired up with a 24", well that's the combo I've got going. So far I've been able to max out MOST of my games, but certainly not all. If i didn't already have the 4850, I would have gotten a 4870 or GTX 280. As it stands, my 4850 is good enough that I don't feel like spending more money on a video card until the next gen arrives.
I've pretty much set on waiting now... keep my HD3870 for now and either buy a HD4850 after I buy the monitor or just keep on using my HD3870 still. I reckon it ought to perform fairly well (>30fps) at 1920x1200 with no AA.
I have an Accelero S1 on my HD3870, don't know if the two Crossfires bridges would fit. Plus I don't think the performance gain would be worth it... there are still a lot of games with little to no performance gains from Crossfire.

Not to mention the cost...
I have an Accelero S1 on my HD3870, don't know if the two Crossfires bridges would fit. Plus I don't think the performance gain would be worth it... there are still a lot of games with little to no performance gains from Crossfire.

Not to mention the cost...

3870 should do 1920x1200 (medium settings) but you will notice the performance difference between the 3870 and the 4850 as soon as you enable AA. You could also just use the Accelero S1 to cool the new 4850 and then sell the 3870 to knock down some of the cost.
I maybe wrong but a 3870x2 loses to 4850 in terms of performance. There has been reports about micro shuttering issue on 3870x2 so 4850 may seem smoother, despite lower FPS.

If you do the math, 3870x2 has 640 stream processors plus some overhead for being dual gpu, while 4850 has 800 stream processors.