HD4870 X2 Best Price So Far ....


Jul 28, 2004
Google Shopping has 3 sites with the HD 4870X2 listed so far. Best price so far is from Provantage for $531. I've also dealt with them before and they have a good rep. Not in stock yet, but up for Pre-Order it seems.


Personally, I'm hoping NewEgg puts them up for a reasonable price. Something like $499-$509 I would hope. :D
Assuming the MSRP is $500, BestBuy, if they carry them, will have a good price if you use the 10% off coupon that is going around right now.
Google Shopping has 3 sites with the HD 4870X2 listed so far. Best price so far is from Provantage for $531. I've also dealt with them before and they have a good rep. Not in stock yet, but up for Pre-Order it seems.


Personally, I'm hoping NewEgg puts them up for a reasonable price. Something like $499-$509 I would hope. :D

Very tempting, but who knows how long it will take for them to ship. Could end up waiting longer then release....
Fry's had a SKU up for it at 549.99 on Sunday. None on the shelf though.
Assuming the MSRP is $500, BestBuy, if they carry them, will have a good price if you use the 10% off coupon that is going around right now.

Not to mention them being Visiontek. I have a 12% birthday coupon I just got.. hmmm..
Assuming the MSRP is $500, Best Buy, if they carry them, will have a good price if you use the 10% off coupon that is going around right now.

Best Buy will have them for $550. I just went over there and they told me that they have ZERO in the states of Utah, Idaho, Colorado, and Nevada. That's including their main distro center in Denver. Just so everyone knows, VisionTek may not have announced their card yet, but Best Buy does have a SKU for it. For anyone who's interested.


They do have a 10% store wide coupon going around right now, so after the discount, it's right around $500 which is what I was planning on spending.
Best Buy will have them for $550. I just went over there and they told me that they have ZERO in the states of Utah, Idaho, Colorado, and Nevada. That's including their main distro center in Denver. Just so everyone knows, VisionTek may not have announced their card yet, but Best Buy does have a SKU for it. For anyone who's interested.


They do have a 10% store wide coupon going around right now, so after the discount, it's right around $500 which is what I was planning on spending.

Nice. But this would be overkill for 1680x1050 res for Warcraft 3 lol. I need to get a new monitor first before I get a beast like this.
I think it would be wise to hold couple weeks. I remember Microcenter selling the 3870x2 for $70 less than MSRP sold online with no rebates right after it came out.
crap, what to do what to do!....should I ...shouldn't I?

crap crap crap....it does seem to scale 2560 x 1600 gaming very very well
NewEgg has officially jumped the shark with this one in my book.

They've gone from having great deals and customer service to price gouging and somewhat adequete customer service in the last year. (+tax for NY residents)
You can keep waiting forever. Something is always "around the corner". After Nvidia's response will be ATI's....and the circle continues.
Damn Newegg...Looks like the waiting game for me till it at least hits MSRP.
Hmm... I thought the launch price was $499? Maybe somewhere else they might sell it cheaper? We'll see.

Hopefully when I get mine I won't have to pay an insane price.
I can pretty much guarantee that Newegg will be sold out at those prices by the end of the day too. :rolleyes:
Even Newegg has their cards (overpriced as they are) with a limited no-refund return policy? What the hell?

Is there anyplace that will at least have a 30 day refund-OK return policy? Newegg's standard policy works just fine (in fact, its why I usually purchase from them!), but I just don't understand this.