HD5770 opinions please


Jul 13, 2008
Hey all,

I have an XFX GTX260 right now, and the fan is getting rather loud. I think it's because the card just gets somewhat warm in my case (idling at 65C) and that just causes it to ramp up. I see that compared to the GTX260 the HD5770 consumes way less power, and therefore hopefully runs a good deal cooler/quieter.

Is the HD5770 a worthwhile purchase? From what I see it seems to perform about on par with the GTX260, but does anyone have any input on this issue?

If you want a pure sidegrade that just uses less power (and gives you DX11), 5770 is the right choice. Performance should be roughly the same.

Me, I can't justify it.
I think you'd be better suited to make the jump to the HD5850 or GTX470 to get your money's worth.
If you're happy with your current performance, and the noise level you used to have, I would:

1. Clean out the fan to verify that it's actually failing and not just gunked up
2. RMA the card if it's still under warranty and actually is failing
3. Buy a third-party cooler.

These will all be much cheaper than buying an (excellent) 5770.

If you're not happy with performance, go for a 5850.
I did clean out the fan, and the rest of the cooler as much as I could. It quieted down some, but the fan is just ramping up a lot more now. I have modified my PC-A05 case to be water cooled and essentially the radiator is blowing right at the video card, so that's probably why. I might get EVGA's utility to try and slow the fan down to see if temps remain alright. I am happy with performance so far, the only games I play, it plays them quite well (the most intense one I think is Mass Effect 2 which isn't all that taxing on it it doesn't seem). I saw how little the HD5770 draws though and got pretty excited.
HD5770 is a great card...depending on the resolution your running. The memory interface is only 128bit. It does give the GTX 260 a run for the money. Most cards overclock well. My card is o/c'd to 955/1405... stock is 850/1200. I also am running 1680x1050 resolution. IMO I should have waited for the 5830...!
5770 is downgrade from GTX260 especially if the XFX you are running is OC version.
Clean the fan first and if it doesn't help you should probably swap it for some aftermarket cooler.

If you want to upgrade you need to go with 5850.
If you're just worried about the sound.. slap on an aftermarket cooler.