HDCP and the Xbox 360...


Limp Gawd
Apr 29, 2005
I don't really know where to put this, but this forum seemed relevant. Anyone ever had any problems with these two? I have the HD DVD addon for my elite, and I have a BenQ PE7700 projector with an HDMI connection between the two. The projector is HDCP compliant and for the longest time I used one 50 foot HDMI cable for the 360 with 0 problems. Fast forward about 10 months, I buy a PS3 and I need another HDMI port and I don't want to buy a new receiver. Viola, rosewill RME-002 HDMI switch, also HDCP compliant. No problems for a week or two, then...

"Secure HDCP Link Not Found" for any high definition content on my Xbox 360 elite. This is my 2nd Xbox as my first one ( a launch pro ) failed out of warranty. I have a bad feeling this is Xbox hardware failure as I have changed the HDMI connection back to direct, and there is no change. So, has anyone else had a similiar problem? Could you fix it? Or am I in for my 3rd Xbox?
I would disconnect the PS3 from the HDMI switch completely and power cycle the 360 (still connected to the switch). If that doesn't work, take the switch out of the equation. Repeat the steps with the PS3, on the HDMI switch and off the switch. This will help eliminate the HDMI switch as being the culprit, the 360 or the PS3.

So, after I posted all that, I realized that I should probably do some more troubleshooting (as you all suggested anyway). So, the cable from the switch to the projector was a 50ft HDMI cable with no extender, so I thought, well maybe the cable/length/switch combo is the culprit, so I first checked directly to the PS3, no dice, no image period, no xmb, just audio. So I thought, huh, maybe it is not the switch but the cable itself, checked using the microsoft supplied HDMI cable. No HDCP handshake for the 360, still no image for the PS3, so then I checked the brand new HDMI cable I purchased with the switch on both the 360 and the PS3, again, no HDCP handshake, no PS3 image. That's a total of 6 attempts with 2 devices on 3 different cables at three different brands and 2 lengths (50' and 6'). Since every device failed to handshake with the switch out of the equation, and this has all happened suddenly, I am left to think that perhaps the HDMI port or some component therof on the projector is the culprit.

So I call BenQ support as the projector is about 8 months old and still very under warranty. They told me that the 360 and PS3 are both known compatability issues when it comes to HDCP handshake issues. OH, I also tried different boot orders of device/projector and projector/device to ensure it wasn't a timing issue. Still no go. The BenQ agent said that he felt if I sent the device in, that they would find no defect and that I should try to find someone with an HDMI dvd player to test HDCP handshake with. Now I am like, wtf, it fails 3 cables, 2 devices with no proximity to device updates and it is my device or my cables, how ya figure? SO anyway, I am gonna try and call back later and just send it in anyway, ugh.