HDD Fridge Magnet (small mod, big pictures, 56k beware)

Jul 12, 2005
Not so much a computer mod per se, but taking something from the computer and making it into something else.

i recently got a nice little set of <10 torx screwdriver heads andi had a few old and broken hard drives i got from various places just lying around doing nothing. thought now would be a good time to open a couple of these suckers up and see how they tick.

I had two smallish hard drives that seemed to have come from some compact computer, possibly even a laptop, and it seemed like a good oppertunity to use some of the smaller torx heads.

Halfway into disassembling the second drive, i thought it'd be neat todo somethingwith the parts, and maybefind some usefor those neat little strong magnets. Soi thought, hey, why not a refridgerator magnet? it would sure as hell beat out those wimpy pizza hut phone number deals everyone has at least three of somewhere.


Here's the hard drive. as you can see, much smaller than usual drives (the blue boxes on my sheets areabout 4x4".)

gotta get the circuit board offto get a few of the screws underneith.

now for the pretty hard drive innards.

must... surpress... mechanical gag reflex :-D

The platters that will be the bulk of the orniment. (i had to take the platters apart from the motor to get it all out.)

Here's that strong magnet we'll be using.



Gotta detach that sucker from the plate.

Now ready to use, i just strip that motor sticker off...

...and fill the little solder gaps with some free household type GOOP i got in the mail (see free stuff section of forum, i'm sure you can still get some. samples are random though)

All nice and secure,ready for the next part

Might as well keep the theme.need to get rid of the circuit board though.

Mazel tov! (sorry,couldn't resist)

Just place back on the platter in whatever position you like and glue in place.

And viola! ooo, pretty. (the motor allows the platters and head to swing while on the fridge, so that's a neat little bonus)

Just let the glue dry for a few hours depending onthe glue and enjoy. Make sure the glue is strong, esp.for the magnet side. i made the mistake of putting this on my fridge before gluing it down, and i had to pry the magnet off my fridge with a good amount of effort.

And that concludes this mod. finally,a project i've actually been able to finish! Enjoy!
:p Man, you've got waaaaay too much free time on your hands!! :rolleyes:

Good job, though, in discovering the mysteries of the internal hard drive! :D
yes, yes i do. onlyable to complete this thing cause it didn't cost me a dime. well, besides the Torx heads. my other two mods are gonna cost me an arm and a leg i think, and i'm still without job. heh.