HDD, not entire system, randomly restarting?


Limp Gawd
Oct 14, 2006

I recently noticed that one (maybe 2) of my hard drives power off and power on a few seconds later. I have a dual boot system and it seems that the boot disk w/ XP is the one with the issue. I will be using Vista and I will hear a drive power down and then restart/spin-up again - similar to the sound when the whole system powers down and powers on, respectively. This happens regardless of load and seems to happen randomly.

Any helpful advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance :)
I have never had this issue until I installed WHS on one of my computers. Now I have several drives that do it. I hope to hear some good suggestions.
My first guess is that you've got something conflicting with your power settings. I would try disabling the 'power off when idle' option for the hard disks. I think Vista treats each hard drive independently when it comes to idle time so some disks may power down even when another is in use.
My first guess is that you've got something conflicting with your power settings. I would try disabling the 'power off when idle' option for the hard disks. I think Vista treats each hard drive independently when it comes to idle time so some disks may power down even when another is in use.

thanks for the reply :).

I have checked that setting and it was already set to 'Never'.

any other ideas?
It's just spinning up and down right? It's not actually disconnecting from the computer during the process (disappearing drives)?
my old drive actually did this when it was a secondary boot drive on my primary disk.

it was noticable, I just figure it's power savings when not accessed.
It's just spinning up and down right? It's not actually disconnecting from the computer during the process (disappearing drives)?

thats right; the drive is still there in windows explorer, but i must wait until the drives spin up before files/folders are accessible