HDD RMA, whats the liklyhood of it going good

Commander X800

Dec 2, 2004
Well let me first start off by saying tieredness and working with a comp is not always the best combonation... I admit that i made a F-up but i would like to know if i seend in a Seagate drive that is still in warranty (date wise ends 2009) if there just pass it off and not charge me for the full driver replacement (do they look at the drivers that close)? what happened was i was moving my hdd to a lower rack mount for better air circulation for my new video card (x800 xl AGP AIW) and while i was screwing in the drive into its new rack i mistook a side metal looking thing for a screw hole, its the little tinfoil side cover thing for when they suck out all the air out
(vacuumed the drive clean) witch they use instead of a piece of plastic.... i made the little sticker thing look like it wasn't broken but i still don't know. i know its wrong to send it in but im broke and really cant afford a new drive as of now (yeah i know weak excuse but its the truth). Long question short any one else do this or know of any one else that did this and got away with it?

i also got an rma # (said the motor was dead or something...) and oppt for the advanced replacement, 25 bucks fro them to send me a driver first and cover the shipping the dead
driver back to them.
They're not stupid, that much I can tell you.

As being the poor sucker on the other end that has to deal with problems like this, I think it's detestable that you expect them to pay for your mistake. Why should we have to pay for your error? That doesn't make any sense. Put yourself in my shoes, or those of the RMA dept of Seagate. It's people like you in numbers that drive the prices up.

The way I look at it, you screwed up. You eat it like a man and remember for next time.

That sounds fair enough, doesn't it?
Agreed with SirKenin. You will pay in dollars for that drive, even if they do cover it on RMA. Covering warranty claims like this only drives prices higher for everyone, yourself included. The competition in the desktop hard drive market is, at its prettiest, cutthroat. All of the five major makers have compelling offerings, on relatively small margins, and extremely high fixed costs. Warranty drives cost money, and that is a cost that will be passed on to the consumer - that 5 year warranty is one of the main reasons why Seagate drives are typically more expensive than their competitors.
If you do the advance replacement, when they receive your drive they will charge you the full amount for the drive they sent you.

Just make this a learning experience and look in the FS/FT forum for a good deal on a replacement drive.
in response to the comment made about how im thinking of going threw with the rma with my dirve. it doesn't "drives the cost up" on drivers, its not ture. companies like seagate make there money back by selling drives like mine to outside companies for use as a refurb drive and they get back 75% profit off the drive in most cases, secondly i know that your not perfect we all have dark secrets some are darker than others but please dont rant to me if you dont have exp with this please dont post about how wrong it is.

thank you in advance
If the drive still works, then you should keep it and live with it. If it doesn't work anymore, Seagate can't magically turn a knob and make it work again to sell it as a refurb. Hard drives are extremely precise mechanical devices, foreign objects inside, head crashes, etc all damage them beyond any repair possible for less than a new drive costs. If the drive doesn't work when you send it back, then it is a total loss for Seagate, and consumers everywhere.
its just one of the plater that is f-up, everything else is good (but i cant wrie or read to the drive so its usless to me the drive again is fine in the exception of one of hte platers. the drive will load up and say its 160gigs but starting at sector 825 there are errors
and i cant do a zero fill it wont write to the plater. i cant do any thing with it
Commander X800 said:
and i cant do a zero fill it wont write to the plater. i cant do any thing with it
That's not our fault. That's yours. Own up to your mistakes. Don't tell us we don't have experience. We DO have experience in this. I have to deal with people like you more than I would care to admit. I have even damaged my own hardware through stupidity and I just found something to throw it at rather than make everybody else pay for my mistakes. It costs money, no matter what you think, to RMA a drive. It costs me money by having to drive down to my suppliers and RMA it, plus the dollar value in time that I am losing by not doing something else. It costs suppliers money to ship the damaged drive and process it. It costs the manufacturer money to give you a new drive because you screwed up and then ship another one, only to find out they got ripped off and had to throw it in a box.

All you can think of is yourself because you can't afford another drive. Just thinking that you think we should all pay for your stupidity and lack of cash flow makes me sick to my stomach. If you can't afford the joys of owning a computer then sell it.

I'd say I'm sorry if this sounds harsh, but I'm not. I have no sympathy at all for someone trying to rip off the system. We need our low prices. People like you aren't helping.
i just got done taking to someone that works as WD regional manager. there rma works like this: if the drive they get back still has the info sticker on it the lable and S/N and P/N and stuff like that and the drive is in scrapable condition as far as parts. it passes and is refubed it doesnt cost them anything becuase they antisapate this yearly and thouse over produce dirves for that year to cover this sort of thing so they dont lose money(or rase prices). they also resell the refurbed dirves back for addintional profite. wasnt saying you didnt have exp in general was talking about RMAing bad products. and never said it was anybody elses fualt other than my own aside from saying that it was a bad design for the vacume hole on seagates part.

anotherthing i have seen, hdd cost has been on a steady droop for the last 7 years and have yhet to see a hdd that whent back up in price. i spent 54 after rebate on this 160gig driver 7200rpm drive the driver cost 15 dollars to make including there deals with there sellers of materials and the cost of labor labor.

i just asked a simpl question i didnot post to get bitched at, plain and simple
Okay, first off. Dont even start talking like the company makes a HUGE profit off of this. It just makes you look stupuid. We dont really care, its people like you, who in MASS NUMBERS do this. Over time this adds it, and even if you say costs have been coming down, they could possibly be coming down even more if it wasnt for this.

You fucked up, take the fault on this one, you learned a hard lesson. But please dont push this onto us, the other consumers. We dont like getting hurt for your mistakes...
one time i ran a screw driver along my maxtor hdd with the pc on and it sparked and set alight. so i rma it as daed and they sent me a new one :D
leeroy said:
one time i ran a screw driver along my maxtor hdd with the pc on and it sparked and set alight. so i rma it as daed and they sent me a new one :D

see he answerd my question with out screaming at me

i thank you not for your type of answer, but for the simple fact that you replied nicely and that you didn't call me any names.