HDMI 1.3


Aug 18, 2005

This is an article which shows what HDMI 1.3 has in store in near future. I know it doesn't talk about displays but I have a question. I already have na HDTV with one HDMI output, I probobly have HDMI 1.2, so am I screwed or today's sets can be somehow upgraded or whatever or be compitable with the newer version of products with HDMI output.
bazylik said:

This is an article which shows what HDMI 1.3 has in store in near future. I know it doesn't talk about displays but I have a question. I already have na HDTV with one HDMI output, I probobly have HDMI 1.2, so am I screwed or today's sets can be somehow upgraded or whatever or be compitable with the newer version of products with HDMI output.

I would probably say so. It might be possible to get it upgraded, but it'll most likely cost quite a bit of money, although it could possibly be worth it. If I'm not mistaken, the new HDMI actually has a different pin setup than before, which makes it so they can't just do a firmware flash.

Something to note, is that I don't know how many companies will actually make content to take advantage of the new spec. I'm uncertain if they can just automatically reap the benfits of the improved color depth, or if they actually have to modify their content to utilize it.
thanks for responding man, I appreciate it.
I actually did some more digging and at ol' good AVS forums there is a thread about it, it won't say if the older version can or will be capable of upgrading but one dude posted a detailed article around the specs, though. It also shows a picture with two different HDMI jconnectors, I believe one there is regular size that we have now and the other one will be a bit smaller... http://www.avsforum.com/avs-vb/showthread.php?t=690203&highlight=hdmi+1+3
check it out, pasted article is in 5th or 6th post... I hope you're wrong though, no offense :) of course, but this 1.3 version does sound good and would cool if I could flash the firmware.
All the new stuff is backward compatible with versions 1.1 and 1.2, so you shouldn't have to worry too much. It's just the new 1.3 versions offers alot more bandwidth then the previous versions and I believe it adds some new black levels.
Indeed, all HDMI versions are backwards compatable with all lower versions, you just won't have access to any newer features present in the new version. This makes sense since you can't add new functionality to these existing devices.

Most of the changes in HDMI versions relates to audio support for HD-dvd/Blu-ray and the new DTS/DD formats, although 1.3 does add 30/36/48bit color support and a boost in bandwidth to carry the higher color depths.