HDMI woes


Apr 1, 2007
Hi all,

I'm trying to playback hi-def movie files from my laptop to my HDTV and I'm getting poor picture quality via HDMI. A static image (i.e., desktop) looks fine, but whenever a video is playing (youtube, VLC, XBMC, etc), there is a what I can only describe as a horizontal ripple or wave which moves down the screen, distorting the picturing. It is particularly noticeable when the camera is slowly panning.

I don't get this effect when using a VGA connection but would much prefer HDMI as it also does audio and would free up the VGA-out port on my laptop for an external monitor.

I've tried updating my graphics drivers (http://www.intel.com/p/en_US/support/detect/graphics), as well as fiddling with settings in the graphics control panel and haven't had any luck.

Any ideas? I had the same problem when I hooked up my laptop to a friends TV via HDMI so I think we can rule out the Toshiba as problematic. I have new HDMI cables on the way but I'm curious to know if anyone else has experienced anything similar.

Lenovo Y530
Toshiba 39L1350UC

Sounds like Macrovision; for those old enough to know what that is. If it only occurs on video it could very well be, though I have never heard of it manifesting when playing video over VGA unless somehow copy protection information is being passed through the app to the hardware.
I'm using a Lenovo Y560 to pipe to a 52'' lcd. I am experiencing the same exact thing as you - the picture is sometimes tearing horizonationally.

I am currently looking for a fix as well.
Thanks for all the replies, guys!

I enabled VSync in XBMC and in my general video card settings but was still getting tearing.

I then made the Toshiba (HDTV) the primary and only active display, but for some reason my external 22" monitor would still spring into action/force dual display settings.

I then physically unplugged the vga connection for my external monitor, re-enabled the Toshiba as the only active display, and voila, the tearing completely went away! I'm so relieved.

Topslop, give that a try and see if it helps.
What about back in the day when video wouldnt play on a second screen and you had to either disable or enable overlay?

Could playing with that option perhaps allow you to maintain video on both displays without problems?
Are you cloning the display?
If so make the TV the only display while disabling the laptop display.
Also download the latest MPC-HC and see if it causes the same issues.