HDR on 6800gt (AGP)


Limp Gawd
Nov 21, 2004
I have a BFG 6800gt (AGP)

and well I have a question, what is HDR and what games are capable of running it? How would I enable it?

Thanks in advance for you asnwers.
splinter cell chaos theory
day of defeat source

i dont know about the others, but in farcy, go to the command prompt and type "\r_hdrrendering 7" (there are different values of, but 7 looks the best)

and to qoute a section from bittech.net's Half life lost coast preview:

"What is HDR?
HDR stands for High Dynamic Range, and is also sometimes referred to as High Dynamic Range Imagery (HDRI) or High Dynamic Range Rendering (HDRR). The Dynamic Range is the ratio of the largest value of a signal to the lowest measurable value. Current 16-bit integer-based formats use colour component values from 0 ("black") to 1 ("white"), but don't allow for what is known as "over-range" values, for example, a whiter-than-white highlight glinting off a piece of metal.

HDR facilitates the use of colour values way outside the normal range in an effort to produce a more realistic rendering of a typical 3D scene. If you have ever driven through a dark tunnel in your car, and then emerged out the other side into blazing sunshine, temporarily blinded by the difference in light levels - that oversaturation is one example of what is possible with HDR
Far cry, day of defeat: source and splinter cell: chaos theory are the only 3 that come to my mind at this moment in time.
Age of Empires 3 too. Though I think those are simple 'bloom' effects. (The demo is out and so it the retail through.......select channels, shall I say.)
slyven said:
Age of Empires 3 too. Though I think those are simple 'bloom' effects. (The demo is out and so it the retail through.......select channels, shall I say.)

really.. thats great news... love the AOE series
not to highjack the thread, but when is the 'official' release....been waiting for this game..I have AOE, AOE Kings, AOE Conquerors...

Also, those are the only 4 games that use it, although the games coming out should 1/2 1/2 use/not use it.

Originally Posted by slyven
Age of Empires 3 too. Though I think those are simple 'bloom' effects. (The demo is out and so it the retail through.......select channels, shall I say.)

really.. thats great news... love the AOE series
Serious Sam 2

I could be wrong, but I don't think AoE3 has it in the demo.
rlease is later this month for aoe if i remembe correctly reading htese off a treo so dont feel like surfing hte web