Head Spinning - In need of a 2X" IPS


Aug 3, 2008
My head is spinning a bit after browsing through this (amazing) forum. I have a pretty solid understanding of the different panel types and, unfortunately (due only to price), I've settled on an IPS monitor. By settled, I mean I know what I'm looking for. I'm hoping you folks here can guide me to a monitor as I've been shopping around off and on for 3yrs - kinda wanna buy already :)

Bit about my daily monitor use:

Was into gaming, but I moved to consoles. I mainly use my desktop for Lightroom and Photoshop (hence the IPS). I have a 19" CRT and I'm looking to move to a 24" or 26" LCD.

As far as other options, I'm open to an M/P-VA monitor but my wife's given me the go ahead to get a monitor that suits my needs as I just landed a new job.

I've read a bit about the Hazro's and the Doublesights. I guess the main problem is this will be my first LCD and I want to do it right. I read about people returning them and I'd rather not go through that headache. I'd like to try to buy locally to skip the shipping/possible returning but from what I hear, TN is the 'in' thing at the big box stores.

As far as the Hazros, I didn't easily see a "available on this date in the US" post - could have easily missed it, however.

The Doublesight's sound nice but I read some stuff indicating there wasn't a polarizer on the 24" model..? Is that considered a bad thing?

I am also considering Dell's 2408 as it sounds liek it's good for photo/graphic work. I'm no pro. I'm an amatuer graphic designer and a semi-pro photographer. I want accurate colors for photographs as I've had innacurate colors before and it didn't make me a happy camper.

I very much appreciate you all taking time to read this - this is a great forum for info. Simply awesome. Thanks again!

Also, my apologies for another "what do i buy" thread

- Dan
Hazro - can't buy in the US
Doublesight - new 26" model coming 1 sept (same panel, different stand...do a search for "DS-265W")
2408 - high input lag, that may or may not be fixed/alleviated in new revision. Look for the 2408 thread maybe a page or two back. Here's the dell thread
You will want to take a look at the NEC 2490 and 2690. The Planar and Doublesight are the same panels without the control circuitry/sceen polarizer.
2408... huh?
Dell's 2408WFP - not a good choice?

I had a good suspicion you guys would suggest the NEC. At over $1100, for non-professional use, I wonder if I can get by with a monitor that is a few hundred less?

Are apple's Cinema displays worth buying?

Thanks for the replies thus far!
What about the planar PX2611W? Seems this has the same panel but is lacking the color calibration stuff the NEC has?

The Planar is almost identical to the Doublesight DS-263W, but adds a height adjustable stand, has one less DVI and costs a bit more. Same panel though, so while color calibration varies, things like viewing angles, sharpness, and general brightness capability/contrast ratio, should be identical.

What about the planar PX2611W? Seems this has the same panel but is lacking the color calibration stuff the NEC has?
