Heads up - new Mod in town


More Human than Human
May 26, 2000
Greetings to the [H]orde. Just too much fun to go around, so ZooBaby has been asked to be a mod in G[H]. In a moment of weakness, he accepted...!!

I know you guys will all show him the same respect and reverance you've always allowed me....(oh yeah)...or we'll get Lethal to "handle" it.....:D

In any event, congrats to ZooBaby - !!!

Cheers - B.B.S.
Thanks interns and others. BTW Scare how did your rig get better than mine? Damn kids with disopable incomes. :p

zoobaby said:
Thanks interns and others. BTW Scare how did your rig get better than mine? Damn kids with disopable incomes. :p

Hardly disposable. They cancelled my financial aid and now I'm wishing I hadn't upgraded over the summer ;) Oh well. Life comes at ya fast. But yeah, I'm liking the new system :)