Heads up: Scheduled Server Maintenance for Dec. 18th

Humm...... good time to move the systems to the rack....
Thanks for the heads up, I might plan some testing too.

Although stopping a farm of bigadv reminds me of those stories about how long it takes to slow down an aircraft carrier from full speed.
Remember folks, not all servers are located at Stanford. The new 6900's are fed from Sweden and a few other SMP servers are located elsewhere as well. The only major issue will be if the AS becomes unavailable.
This sounds like the 16th will be a very good day for me to finally install all those Windows updates that have never been installed on any of the folding rigs. I felt like there was no reason to install any updates since the machines do nothing but fold. Once in a while i'll use them to access hardforum or the foldingforum, but these are both safe websites.
This sounds like the 16th will be a very good day for me to finally install all those Windows updates that have never been installed on any of the folding rigs. I felt like there was no reason to install any updates since the machines do nothing but fold. Once in a while i'll use them to access hardforum or the foldingforum, but these are both safe websites.

Only after years of mental abuse will someone call [H]ardforum "safe" let alone folding forum.

Only after years of mental abuse will someone call [H]ardforum "safe" let alone folding forum.


As in safe, I meant that I didn't have to worry about the forum trying to load a bunch of crappy ass spyware and malware like some of the other forums I frequent do. :p
As in safe, I meant that I didn't have to worry about the forum trying to load a bunch of crappy ass spyware and malware like some of the other forums I frequent do. :p

Browsing hardware pr0n much ?
as an addendum to the OP:

During Stanford's Winter Closure (December 18 through January 2), IT Services plans to schedule a network backbone maintenance window every morning from 4:00 a.m.- 8:00 a.m. to implement improvements in the network, as we did last year. In most cases, the changes should not affect the connectivity of departmental or home networks. In cases where they might, any interruption in service should be under 5 minutes.

While Folding@home will be up for this period, there may be brief (~5 min) network interruptions for network traffic from/to off-campus during the daily maintenance windows of 4:00 to 8:00 am pacific time. The upshot is that the campus should get improved network performance after the upgrades.
OOOO, upgrades - would be nice to see some photo's of the PG server rooms at some point - there has to be some [H]ard kit in there
Heads up for tomorrows maintenance and yes it is tomorrow.. not the 18th as the title of this thread reads. From Vijay:

It looks like we will have to take a few machines down early in anticipation of the server room outage tomorrow. Right now, it looks to be just vspg11 and vspg12 (and their related VM's). We're working to keep as much up as we can though during the outage.

It shouldn't impact us too much, vspg11 and 12 are both classic servers.
Morning update from Vijay:

We've started dealing with all of the outage. It looks like we should have the basics online (stats, fah-web, main AS, most of the key servers), but most of the redundant systems will be down, so there could be outages even with all we've done to try to have the basics up. Hopefully this will be straightened out by the end of the day pacific time.
Another update from Vijay:

Looks like the server room updates have been completed and our team is starting to bring the servers back up. It will likely take a few hours for some, since this is an opportunistic time for some routine server maintenance (since they machines had to go down anyway). Some of the down servers are already back up and serving, more on the way in the next few hours.
I notice I have some work that won’t send, still receiving ok.

Looks like one of my classic clients is down or something, I'll check on it soon. How am I going to make up that 150 PPD? :eek:
non fermi GPU3 seems to be working fine. havent had a WU fail to send or receive.

MOAR! P11179 WU's.. thats all i gotta say. i love my 5600 PPD per card damnit!