Headset Stand


Jul 3, 2009
I've been trying to find a headset stand for my headphones and I can't seem to find any. Can anyone help? Google is not helping. Thanks in advance.
thanks guys these are pretty good, Ive seen banana holders they actually look good.
lol i saw that one to I was thinking about the koss clip and the sennheiser clip but i think having a banana holder would look better and not get in the way
Sennheiser makes a similar clip to the Koss one, iirc its about $15 (it comes with a number of their headphones as well)

my own "build a stand" was to take one of those clip fans, remove the fan part, and use the little arm to put my headphones on, works quite well, and the yolk part with the bolt in it (where the fan mounted) is great for running the cord though (to help keep it up off the floor), no idea if a clip fan is cheaper than the banana holder though
I didn't see one at walmart. Maybe I should go look again since it is closer than Bed Bath and Beyond. Thanks!
Looking at this, just one. The Koss clip OTOH is plenty deep for most phones.

That banana holder would be nice if it was painted like white or red
I just hammered a small nail into my desk. you really can't see it unless you're looking for it, and it holds my SR80's just fine.
Thats actually pretty good considering this is the most inexpensive clip. The sennheiser clip is too expensive