Heavy Rain aka Quick Time Events 3000 - Everything that's wrong with modern gaming


Supreme [H]ardness
Apr 4, 2003
I played the demo tonight. It's simply god awful.

I can't begin to explain the things wrong with it but it is basically the epitome of everything that is wrong with modern gaming lumped into one package for me.

Quick time events are one of the worst things ever invented for games and this game is basically just an interactive movie where everything you do is a quicktime event where the buttons you have to press have nothing to do with the actions that you are doing but are there just randomly inserted to make it feel like a game. If you want to pick up something from a table? Good luck, you have to do a hadoken on the analog stick before the timer runs out. Want to ask another character something something? Press square when the icon briefly flashes. Want to climb a hill? Press up for your left foot, hold R1 for your right foot, then press triangle for your left foot, push down the right analog stick for your right foot, press square for your left foot, do a hadoken with the d-pad, etc.

I should have know what was in store for me when the first minutes were spent fumbling with trying to do some quick time button combinations to get my guy to get his inhaler out of his pocket and to put it into his mouth.

Really? Are you serious? Ashtma Inhaler Simulator, the Game?

It's absolute garbage. This kind of game could have been made in 1980 with laserdisc technology.

The worst part that spoiled my immersion and suspension of disbelief however, is that this is supposed to be some sort of film noir game in a dark slummy modern setting...but when you play the FBI officer to do "detective work", he somehow has these CSI magic alien sunglasses from the 29th century. He puts them on suddenly he has nightvision, he sees all these ugly orange circles on everything (done in the CSI style of fake computer GUIs with random text and numbers flying everywhere) and these glasses allow him to "see" DNA, it allows him to "see" individual atoms and molecules and do organic chemstry and lab work all just by looking at crime scenes. Pollen will glow neon yellow, blood will glow radioactive green. Footprints will light up like a Christmas tree. He can look at something and determine it's chemical composition and mass. I can just imagine him looking at a photo and going "enhance, enhance, enhance, to create detail that didn't originally exist. It's totally ridiculous and does not belong in this kind of game at all.


Another bad thing about this game is that it's all trying to be stylistic and cinematic to the point where it's trying too hard. In cinematography there's this thing called average length of shot. That's how long the camera stays on something before it cuts away to another angle or another scene. It's generally considered bad form to have quick cut after quick cut ad infinitum for your entire movie and this game does it all. It changes camera angles on you every couple seconds to try to be all stylistic and dramatic but all it does is induce a headache. You are walking forward and all of a sudden the camera will be to your left and you get disoriented to what direction you were going, then it cuts to another character, then it cuts to behind you at an angle, then it cuts to the ground. It's awful.

What this game really should have been is 1997's Westwood Studio's Blade Runner mixed with one of the 1990s EA Sherlock Holmes games but instead it's just Dragon's Lair with probably 10,000 quick time events making up the entirety of the gameplay. I swear, with most of these hyped up modern console games, these developers just want to make movies instead of good games (see Infinity Ward).
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You had to make a new thread for this? I think the demo thread would of been a better fit. That being said, I will buy it the day it is released.
I played the demo too and liked it enough to pre-order it. I was planning to buy it anyway since I am a adventure game fan and enjoyed the last game Indigo Prophecy. For me it is more of an interactive movie than a game and I believe the developers have also said something similar. The odd part is that one of the popular criticisms of Indigo Prophecy was the QTE's, but it seems like they made QTE an even bigger part of this new game. I enjoyed the demo though and I'm excited to play the full game.
I can't wait for Yahtzee to review this game lol.

The one thing about the QTE's that I didn't care for was that they seemed to draw my attention away from what was going on. Once a scene was all said and done, I felt like I just missed something.
I don't see whats wrong with quicktime events when the whole game's premise is based on it? I can understand hating them when poorly placed, but in this game thats the whole point: like an interactive movie.

I think you missed the point. And no, I don't own a PS3, and I'll probably never play this game.
The entire point of the game is a interactive movie. Its supposed to be amazing and is getting phenomenal reviews. I wish I had a PS3 to play it on :(
I kind of enjoy quick time event and I really enjoyed the demo.

Some of the stuff seems silly but it all seems to fit with the game. The graphics are amazing also I think.
Quicktime events just seem to me to be couterproductive in an interactive environment. I stop paying attention to whats happening (story wise) so I catch whatever button combo I need to press. So I doubt I would even be interested.
Quicktime events just seem to me to be couterproductive in an interactive environment. I stop paying attention to whats happening (story wise) so I catch whatever button combo I need to press. So I doubt I would even be interested.

the quick time event in the demo anyway, didn't seem to detract from what was really going on. It doesn't seem as in your face, as other quick time type events in other games.
I am in complete agreement with the OP.

Basically this game is a 2010 version of Dragon's Lair. It's not a game that will sell systems much less anything near GOTY. Everyone keeps spouting "Interactive Movie". I have an interactive movie for you, it's called Uncharted 2 and kicks the shit out of Heavy Rain badly....

QTE's are one thing in a game such as God of War or Dante's Inferno, where they are maybe 5% of the actual game. But 90%+ for QTE's is rather absurd, and people are basically saying they would rather play "Avatar: The Game" with an ass ton of QTE's and nothing else rather than go see the movie for 6 bucks.
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Part of the merge of TV/Film and games I guess, I can't say I care for it but some people do, each to his own I guess.
The entire point of the game is a interactive movie. Its supposed to be amazing and is getting phenomenal reviews. I wish I had a PS3 to play it on :(

You act like reviews mean anything..
QTE's are one thing in a game such as God of War or Dante's Inferno, where they are maybe 5% of the actual game. But 90%+ for QTE's is rather absurd, and people are basically saying they would rather play "Avatar: The Game" with an ass ton of QTE's and nothing else rather than go see the movie for 6 bucks.

Avatar: The Movie was a shitty Fern Gully remake laced with ridiculous left-wing propaganda. Hopefully Heavy Rain: The Game can come up with a more creative story.
Avatar: The Movie was a shitty Fern Gully remake laced with ridiculous left-wing propaganda. Hopefully Heavy Rain: The Game can come up with a more creative story.

Replace Avatar with absolutely any movie ever made that spawned a game then. I used it as an example. Why pay 64 dollars on an interactive movie when you could take for example;

Take girlfriend/wife to movies - 12 dollars
Buy dinner afterwards - 20 dollars
Have the benefits of getting laid?

Then pay 32 dollars for any number of better Greatest Hits PS3 titles. That would be about the same amount of money for considerably more fun both physically and mentally all on a full stomach of steak and potatoes from Applebees or wherever.

I mean seriously I'm all about creativity in video games but how is this creative? How is this fun? When I buy games I look for how much I can get for the money paid.

I have:

Little Big Planet
Uncharted 2
Assasins Creed II
Dragon's Age: Origins

and soon I'll more then likely be getting modRacers, God of War 3, etc. all of which bring considerable amounts of entertainment to the table over the course of months and possibly years in some of those cases.

They should have just wrote a book called Heavy Rain talking about the Organami Killer as opposed to this, they would probably turn a higher profit. I'm sorry about ranting but I'm just 100% in agreement with the OP. I don't see what the target audience is, I don't see how this is fun, and I fail to understand why this is supposed to be a system mover much less GOTY contender.
It's obvious you don't like the game or what it's going for.

I don't like basketball game sor the likes but I don't feel the need to go rant about them either.

The game is not about "shooting" shit or doing what most ogames do. It is a game focused on the story and the character/interactions between them.

The closest genre it fits is the Adventure genre, games like Syberia, The longest journey, Monkey island, etc.

This game is a new direction for them which Fahrenheit (aka indigo Prophecy) was a stepping stone toward for Quantic Dream (dev's of it and Heavy Rain).

If you want to blow shit up or do something else, it's not a game for you. If you want a game about story, about the characters and how you go about solving things then it's for you.

It's like a "chooes your own adventure" book but in a game.
It's obvious you don't like the game or what it's going for.

I don't like basketball game sor the likes but I don't feel the need to go rant about them either.

The game is not about "shooting" shit or doing what most ogames do. It is a game focused on the story and the character/interactions between them.

The closest genre it fits is the Adventure genre, games like Syberia, The longest journey, Monkey island, etc.

This game is a new direction for them which Fahrenheit (aka indigo Prophecy) was a stepping stone toward for Quantic Dream (dev's of it and Heavy Rain).

If you want to blow shit up or do something else, it's not a game for you. If you want a game about story, about the characters and how you go about solving things then it's for you.

It's like a "chooes your own adventure" book but in a game.

Uncharted 2 does the same thing and it's still a game. Mass Effect 2 also does this and allows you to follow a truely amazing story. There are several games out that have incredible story and characters mixed with "a game" .

Bottom line here is that (and I am quoting someone else here on the forums) the game should be called:

Quick Time Events: The game
"An epic tale of Murder, Betrayal and QTE's"
Uncharted 2 does the same thing and it's still a game. Mass Effect 2 also does this and allows you to follow a truely amazing story. There are several games out that have incredible story and characters mixed with "a game" .

Bottom line here is that (and I am quoting someone else here on the forums) the game should be called:

Quick Time Events: The game
"An epic tale of Murder, Betrayal and QTE's"

We get it, you don't care for the genre of the game.:rolleyes:
Quit trolling.

And I quote:

Heavy Rain aka Quick Time Events 3000 - Everything that's wrong with modern gaming

I am adding directly to the original poster's argument, if anyone is trolling its people saying how we simply do not like the "genre" and the game is a GOTY contender.

"It's story driven" - So is every other game ever made
"It's an interactive movie" - So is Uncharted 2, etc
"It's heavy into character development and consequences" - So is Mass Effect 2, etc

Both of which are System Sellers and GOTY titles.
And I quote:

I am adding directly to the original poster's argument, if anyone is trolling its people saying how we simply do not like the "genre" and the game is a GOTY contender.

"It's story driven" - So is every other game ever made
"It's an interactive movie" - So is Uncharted 2, etc
"It's heavy into character development and consequences" - So is Mass Effect 2, etc

Both of which are System Sellers and GOTY titles.

Looks like we have another PS3 on our hands.
Looks like we have another PS3 on our hands.

Oh yea obviously. I mention ME2 and bring up completely legitimate issues with the topic being discussed. I'm bored and like bombing bad interactive movies, I generally favor good games though. I havent even mentioned what I read earlier that you can basically put the controller down and still beat the interactive movie without ever doing any of the QTE's.
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The issue at hand is not the genre itself. The adventure genre is one of the oldest and most celebrated genres of computer gaming history. I was playing adventure games before they had graphics and it was just a text parser and you had to use your imagination.

This game would probably make an excellent adventure game. I noted in my original post that this game could have been a great game if they combined the gameplay and detective work from the old Westwood Blade Runner game with the old Sherlock Holmes Game (Case of the Serrated Scalpel).

The issue is how that game is played out and that is the complete overreliance on quicktime events which I know that I am not alone in finding appaling. At least Zahtzee will probably agree with me - now that guy BTW, has actually made some of the best adventure games ever produced in the last 10 years. You really have to check out Zahtzee's own homebrew adventure game series.

I'm sorry, but making play twister on my controller while watching for countdown dials and focusing me on my twitch reaction time to press and hold button combinations only detracts from the very story they are trying to convey. Give me back traditional controls (a use button) or even better - a freaking keyboard text parser. At least that is logical and I am not pressing random buttons and executing street fighter moves to make a guy climb a muddy hill. That's not good gameplay, that's padding the interactive movie with garbage.


I'm sorry, I thought this was an adventure game. Is "Quick Time Events" a fully fledged genre of gaming now?
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Generally I hate QTEs, but I watched the Quick Look on Giant Bomb and they seem to do an interesting job at it. I don't know if its a game I would enjoy enough to buy, but if I owned a PS3 I would likely rent it. Plus the way they do the story seems like it would be interesting to learn what is going on and learn about the characters.
I think Destructoid got it right this time. If Heavy Rain were in fact a movie, it'd be a pretty terrible movie. So why exactly is this game trying to be one?

I'd rather play something with more substance.
for people that think the qtes are too much, go into the game options and set it to easy. that should free you up to pay more attention to the scenes.
Posted via [H] Mobile Device
the quick camera movements would make me sick.

It was a bit dizzying but mostly it was just annoying because I would be trying to move my character and it kept cutting to other dramatic angles and I had to figure out which way I was facing again. Most of the time, it's kind of like a regular 3rd person game. A bit Silent Hill Style.
honestly with current animation and transfer to animation in gaming we have now... control is really limited. That's where quick time events come in... serious if it wasn't for them we wouldn't have combos in fighting games. I dunno, people need to research games better before they attempt them. Everyone clearly knew this was a Shenmue style adventure game from the get go
I personally like the game, the QTEs didnt distract me from the game one bit. But then again I am pretty good at QTEs. It's the design of the game and what it set out to do. Uncharted 2 is a fair rebuttal and Mass Effect 2 but the only difference is a shooting mechanic. If you guys wanted that then go play those two games other wise stop trolling.

Also people complain about a game being dumbed down for the lowest denominator, and the stupid or dumb masses your refer to love shooters and games that require just aim and shoot this game does not do that, is that why you people are complaing?
I personally like the game, the QTEs didnt distract me from the game one bit. But then again I am pretty good at QTEs. It's the design of the game and what it set out to do. Uncharted 2 is a fair rebuttal and Mass Effect 2 but the only difference is a shooting mechanic. If you guys wanted that then go play those two games other wise stop trolling.

Also people complain about a game being dumbed down for the lowest denominator, and the stupid or dumb masses your refer to love shooters and games that require just aim and shoot this game does not do that, is that why you people are complaing?

It has nothing to do with action games and shooters, etc. Why do people keep bringing this up? In fact, it's the "action" nature of the twitch reactions of QTE gaming that are what I am against.

Why not simply have a use button? And to increase the mystery and immersion and difficulty of the game - provide no prompts at all. The game is silly because it tells when when I need to do something by popping it up on the screen as a QTE instead of letting me use my intelligence and my own eyes to scan for suspicious things and other options and other avenues or think of something to do on impulse (like bash down a door, examine something under the bed, etc.) That's what adventure gaming should be about. That's the rewarding part of solving a puzzle or mystery.

Instead this is like that old toy where it tells you to spin it or pull it before the time runs out or some version of Simon Says and you have to do that where the QTEs really are not a natural way to use your brain. This is the reason why the Wii is popular among the masses because it is intuitive. QTEs are the opposite of intuitive. What does wiggling the analog stick and pressing R2 and left have to do with using an ashtma inhaler? How does that contribute to the story? It's basically a choose your own adventure novel played out in front of you, but instead of it telling you to turn to page 34, you first have to play twister on your controller and press a combination of buttons not related to what's happening on screen.
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honestly with current animation and transfer to animation in gaming we have now... control is really limited. That's where quick time events come in... serious if it wasn't for them we wouldn't have combos in fighting games. I dunno, people need to research games better before they attempt them. Everyone clearly knew this was a Shenmue style adventure game from the get go

Shenmue was an actual (Adventure) game, if they had put more Shenmue design elements and combined them with what they have it would been better. I thought Shenmue was a masterpiece on the Dreamcast and wish they would make a third. (to all of my anti-genre critics)

I personally like the game, the QTEs didnt distract me from the game one bit. But then again I am pretty good at QTEs. It's the design of the game and what it set out to do. Uncharted 2 is a fair rebuttal and Mass Effect 2 but the only difference is a shooting mechanic. If you guys wanted that then go play those two games other wise stop trolling.

Also people complain about a game being dumbed down for the lowest denominator, and the stupid or dumb masses your refer to love shooters and games that require just aim and shoot this game does not do that, is that why you people are complaing?

The fact that they are "Action-Adventure" has nothing to do with my opinion of this interactive movie.

Components of an Adventure Game
Puzzle solving, or problem solving.
Narrative, or interactive story.
Player assumes the role of a character/hero.
Collection or manipulation of objects.
Fantasy world or immersive environment.
Mystery or situation about which little is known.
The player embarks on a quest.

Heavy Rain falls directly in that category, and so does Uncharted 2 and Mass Effect 1&2. A game can easily be called an "Interactive Movie" and not be absolutely nothing but QTE's 90% of the time, the rest of which is horribly controlled walking and as the OP stated CSI circa 2090 technology.

People gave Modern Warfare 2 a huge amount of criticism for being overly scripted. What the hell do you think this is?

I think people should take a serious look in the mirror and think about what the term "gameplay" actually means. Any respectable reviewer should rate the game accordingly in the gameplay category as a 2 or 3 out of 10.
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Who cares what you call it. You guys are arguing over what is a action game or adventure game or even a movie - who cares what the hell its called? Its a product, made by a company, to sell to people. If people like it, whatever it is, it will sell. People seem to like it. You dont. Call it poop for all I care, swear up and down it isnt a game, who cares. Its a digital product that people enjoy using/interacting with/playing/staring at.
I take it the OP never played Indigo Prophecy? It's made by the same developer, and it's pretty much the same, but it was a good game. It wasn't so much the gameplay mechanics, but the storytelling aspects that made it famous.