hellgate london is fun


Sep 27, 2005
I would just like to share that.

Its just like a beefed up and scifi diablo with guns and bots.

I like it. Some may say its repetative but im in it just for the elite modes and of course PVP.

Engi is fun.

Just sharing i wont post anymore :D
Since they have fixed alot of the bugs now it really is pretty fun. I've got a lvl 36 Marksman and its a blast.
I wasn't a fan of it. I thought it would be a good FPS-RPG but I was wrong.

I'm selling it if anyones interested.
and did I forget repetitive?
boring, repetitive, broken. My 3 experiences with it.

Especially since the SP patches are total crap and massively delayed.
I keep trying to finish the game once...I seem to get past the train a little bit and get bored with it...I make a new charactor with a different class...then proceed to have fun until the novelty of the new class leaves me. I found myself doing the same thing over and over so in short...

D2 was repetitive, but still fun. I was disappointed by the demos for H:L and Crysis.

The other demo that came out at that time was UT3 which inspired me to invest in the full version.

The game at launch was utter crap and bugged to hell. Now, post MANY patches the game is solid, stable and with newer textures, loot tables and fun galore! I play daily with 2 other good friends.

edit. Pac-Man is repetative, as is pretty much Diablo 2... thats a lame excuse. From the launch, it sucked but its much better now. Also, socialzing and team is much better and using voicecomm changes the game completely. Loot whores will love this game.

Repetative is really a bad description because in Diablo 2 all you do is click your mouse on things and hit skills. HGL is basically a FPS-RPG with weak lore and story line is all.
I've also had a lot of fun with this one. It is a bit repetitive, but then, so is just about any game like it. (including D1 and D2) When I want to sit and mindlessly kill and loot things, this sort of game is great, and HG:L is a good example IMO. If I want to think and explore, then I'll play something like an Ultima, Elder Scrolls, or other more complex RPG.
The game is great right up until the end. The end game of Hellgate is just irritating, facing mobs that take forever to down and in turn can one-shot or two-shot the most defensive of tanks. As well as the obnoxious feed system that is currently keeping me from wearing gear my own level without much remedy because I am nearly maxed out as is on all my feeds.

So yeah, I had a great time with the game working a few different characters up to 50 but now there's really nothing left since the armor tetris inducing feed system is making the hunt for new gear pointless and there is no endgame content at all.
Believe it or not all mmo's are the same.

Take the same model and just put a different skin on it example wow monsters. They all use the same model but different skin some times the same.

I find it repetative seeing the same boar in durtar, then seeing it again in another place.

Its really like that all over the place in wow. But its the same in all mmo's so chill on the repetative slang.
What i hate is that soloing with my guardian in stonehenge is stupid broke. Everything flies and flies away from you. Its not even remotely fun anymore as a guardian.

Making an elite gun guardian going to see if that rekindles the fun.
I bought it at launch but haven't played it much recently. I guess I should give it another try, I think my Engineer is on the last Act. One of my biggest gripes with the game was that for quests it was hard to figure out where to go without a guide. 'Go to the Tower of London', sounds easy yet they fail to tell you the first two areas you need to go through to get to the freaking tower and there are 6 exits in the station.
i;m in the market for a new pc game. do you think it is worth getting though. i already have the orange box and ut 3(boring) should i get this or something else. i really like rpg games and rts games
I enjoyed what i've played of it but my laptop can't really run it so i end up dying a lot bc of low frame rates. Which gets frustrating., I want to pick it back up once i get a machine that runs it.
Having a problem with HellGate using 97% of my 2GB of Ram. Getting more Ram, but asking if this is normal. At times the cpu has 85% utilization. Is this game that demanding or am i having some issue with my computer.
It isn't demanding at all. The game is just coded shitty as hell. If you own the game go into the Tech Support section of the HGL forums and see how the devs are trying to figure out where the memory leaks are. Its 3-4 months post release and a game completely devoid of real reflections is using 2+gb of memory. Gimme a break....

I had fun with the game the first play through, but I don't see myself playing it ever again. I even sub'ed for Stonehenge....man what a load of crap that was. I would've rather bought a few extra gallons of gas instead of playing through that snooze fest.
its because they have never fixed the memory leak the game has had since beta.
I haven't had any memory troubles, but then I run the 64 bit client with 4 gigs of RAM. My only issue with technical side of the game is that Xfire doesn't currently detect 64 bit games, yet the in game chat client is Xfire. Not a good combo.
The whole subscription model was what turned me off on this game. I know you don't have to have it, but some of the "features" they are including with it should belong in the basic game without having to pay each month.
I was excited for this game before it came out, but when I played it on my friends machine... wow... it was the worst thing I had ever played. It promised too much, and delivered very little.
The devs said you could play it as a FPS with RPG elements but honestly both areas were lacking for me. Another good concept gone to waste because of poor design decisions.
I dunno about everyone else but i like it FSS said it was going to be just like diablo 2 and i think they made it so...
I haven't had any memory troubles, but then I run the 64 bit client with 4 gigs of RAM. My only issue with technical side of the game is that Xfire doesn't currently detect 64 bit games, yet the in game chat client is Xfire. Not a good combo.

Running the game in DX10 has the memory leak, not DX9.
I love the game. The most fun I have is playing with my son online. Our desks are next to each other and we've played almost the entire thing co-op, which is a blast. I subscribed just to be able to get some of the additional content and I'm very happy with everything so far. Yeah it's still got a few bugs and is pretty repetitive, but I've played darn near nothing else since I bought it the first week of November and I haven't stopped playing it since... :D
With the latest patches, the game is polished off to equal something along the lines of 'rc-1'.. It's actually touched up graphics and has some endgame, though it's not quite well enough along.. the gameplay is fun imho, and i'd like to see more expansion in their ideas. I like it now.
The whole subscription model was what turned me off on this game. I know you don't have to have it, but some of the "features" they are including with it should belong in the basic game without having to pay each month.

List them.