Hellgate London Screenshots...


[H]F Junkie
Jul 13, 2004
So shacknews posted some new Hellgate: London screenshots.

Am I the only person who thinks the game looks cheesy, flat, and just plain "old"? The action in the videos that they had for it a while back also looks really mundane to me.

Thoughts? Opinions? I know this is a game people are waiting for, but for the life of me, I can't figure out why.
I've been waiting for these for a long, long time. Too bad I can't look at the links because of the proxy at work. Can someone post the screenie?

Thanks in advance. :D
agreed, does look cheesy by the color usage, who knows, maybe game play will be worth it.
the game looks *ok* in person. i've seen it at a few tradeshows...CES being the latest (they were at the dell booth) and its *not* going to blow your mind with the graphics. but it looks like it will be good fun to play.

it's like diablo in 3d but in first person/3rd person. not so much click to move any more.
it's like diablo in 3d but in first person/3rd person. not so much click to move any more.

Maybe that's why it doesn't appeal to me. I've always though Diablo to be one of the most boring games in existence.
Maybe that's why it doesn't appeal to me. I've always though Diablo to be one of the most boring games in existence.

To each their own, but Diablo itself, in my opinion, started the hack and slash, loot, back to town genre. Had such a big following other developers decided to make many, many games exactly like it to ride Blizz's coat tails. ;)
G'ßöö;1031185219 said:
new titles not pioneering leave me uninterested. meh!

What are some games that have actually "pioneered" lately? I can't think of any...
New is a relative term, with varying levels of usefulness as a descriptive term depending on the threshold set by the user vs. the audience.
G'ßöö;1031185219 said:
new titles not pioneering leave me uninterested. meh!

I'm with you. Perhaps pioneering isnt the right word but IMO there's no excuse for all new games to have some kickass graphics/animations/lighting/textures. SOMETHING. I was at one time looking forward to this game but it just doenst seem that cool to me anymore. I have yet to see any environments that look interesting (its all just the ruined city, subways), every screen shot ive seen has the same kind of enemies, the textures look low res, etc.... If the game winds up being fun then great but first impressions are a big deal and I am not impressed.
What are some games that have actually "pioneered" lately? I can't think of any...
Bioshock? Crysis to a degree, but its more about the gfx than anything else. other than that there really isn't much pioneering going on, mostly since the hardcore gamers are in minority and publishers want more moneys.
It's the concept of the game that brings me to it. Yeah graphics are pretty to look at and all but they don't go the whole way with me.
meh.. the game is fun to play... and graphics? meh.. i'm not a graphics whore by any means...mind you, i buy 1-2 games per year on average :p
I'm pretty sure those screenshots have degraded quality....I've downloaded a lot of the big trailers and they aren't noticeably that bad at all. :confused:
the game looks *much* better when its moving than in these screenshots. those screenies look particularly bad.
went back and watched some gameplay vids, i does not look that good but man o man does it look like fun