

Limp Gawd
Mar 12, 2009
Just wanted to take a moment to say "Hello!".

I've been watching this forum for quite some time and have just recently joined as an active member.

My Hardfolding.com user ID is HammerAZ as well. I started folding about a year ago when it was brought to my attention that my PC's could be of some use while I was at work all day.

I'm one of those people who doesn't like to see functional hardware just sitting around if I can put it to use. So, after I upgraded our gaming machines from 2600XT's in crossfire to X2's, I was able to put the 2600's into old motherboards I had from previous upgrades, and now have all 4 folding away :)

As you can see by my history, I started about a year ago with just 1 PC doing CPU based folding. With the information posted on this forum, and the methods described on multiGPU folding, I've been able to setup all 4 dust collecting cards on 3 motherboards and push my PPD to over 2000 :)

Thank you!
Hiya, and I do assume you mean 20k not 2k :) Glad to see you chime in, we don't get to see all of our folders on a regular basis, which is a shame! :)
Hiya, and I do assume you mean 20k not 2k :) Glad to see you chime in, we don't get to see all of our folders on a regular basis, which is a shame! :)

According to my FAHMON, I'm at 2000 PPD (this is with 3 cards, the 4th wont show till later in the weekend - 16 hour turnaround on work)...am I reading that correctly?
I thought the 4870x2's were doing closer to 5k each... Am I off? I figured that combined with the other hardware you'd get 20k. Maybe I am off. I'm not an ATI folder.
OH! hehe...I gotcha.

The X2's are not folding. Just the 4 2600XT's.

The last I read on folding with the X2's is that I'd have to take them out of Crossfire (Disable Catalyst AI) then run dual GPU clients. From there I'd have to shut down the GPU clients and then re-enable the catalyst AI to game.

I hadn't quite come up with a way to script or batch the launch of the 2 GPU clients while disabling the Catalyst AI. I suppose now that I think about it, keeping the CCC up while using a gaming profile and a folding profile would help, and simply using a batch file to call the 2 different .EXE's could work.

I guess my biggest fear is leaving my X2's on 24/7 cooking the house. Currently I have Windows 7 configured to put the X2's to sleep after 20 min.

I'll put some thought into it.
Sorry bad assumption that those were folding. I am just an insane folder and have everything folding except what is for sale, hell I even have that folding until it needs to ship out! :p
Haha! Agreed! While the electricity bill is a cool $120 ATM, starting in June, I have to endure $350 a month bills for about 4 months every summer. Heat reduction practices are a must! :)

I do completely understand my bills are already at 300 + a month -_- gogo outrageous california tiered electrical rates :mad:
I didn't want to start a new thread, but - can anyone tell me why my name shows up twice on hardfolding.com?

I just noticed this morning, as I was the only HammerAZ as of last night's refresh/check.
Everyone's name shows up twice right now. I think it has to do with the domain name issue of a few days ago. I could be wrong and it is just coincidence :D
Everyone's name shows up twice right now. I think it has to do with the domain name issue of a few days ago. I could be wrong and it is just coincidence :D


Figured, just my luck, the day I finally post after a year of folding, I thought I screwed something up!
Welcome to the addiction. In no time, you'll be seriously trying to figure out how to get a folding client running on that old VCR in the basement. :D

If I can get it to do more than *blink*12:00*blink*!!

You always have to turn off the graphical display on folding clients. It just uses up cycles and often times crashes the client. :D
I just had an epiphany!

I just today figured out how the Threat/Attack list works! (I feel enlightened and retarded at the same time!)

...NOW I see where the urge to up the PPD's comes from...

Think the GF will notice the X2 folding in the background?? *the evil plot brews...*
I just had an epiphany!

I just today figured out how the Threat/Attack list works! (I feel enlightened and retarded at the same time!)

...NOW I see where the urge to up the PPD's comes from...

Think the GF will notice the X2 folding in the background?? *the evil plot brews...*

That's the feeling of someone being sucked into madness :D:p:cool:
Yes the GF will notice - Extra heat, Extra noise may be explained away but not allowing anyone to touch the machine will be noticed :eek:
Once you get more PPD you just want more PPD. ;)
(I feel enlightened and retarded at the same time!)

Sheesh..... welcome to my world:p

Just explain to the GF that's it's a good cause and stuff.... and a few thinly veiled bribes never hurt.... beers and tamales usually do the trick....
Well...I've got 3 of my 2600's running. The 4th is on a board that refuses to stay powered up. I can boot, sit at the desktop for an hour...then I'll launch the GPU console client...it runs for about 2 min, and the rig shuts off. Annoying...

I've got my X2 folding. :) I was able to hook up a little monitor so I could get the -gpu 1 flag to work. So now I have both GPU's folding. EVE is still playable even tho my FPS went from 150 to 70 :) The 2nd core is un-phased however so I'm still getting good results (when they dont tank) while gaming.

Hers is running a console client, however there isnt a monitor in range to enable the 2nd GPU, so she's folding in Crossfire mode.

All in all, (once I get the 4th 2600 back on line) FAH mon shows me at 10,000+ PPD :D
Looks like I got too excited too soon. I'm going to have to be happy with 2000 PPD. The X2's constantly fail with UNSTABLE_MACHINE errors and EUE limit exceeded - pausing for 24 hours.

The AMD3200 box with 1 2600XT is folding at 674 PPD
The AMD4200 Dual core is running with 2 2600XT's at 730 and 835 PPD
Her old ECS Board rig has the 4th 2600 - but it shuts off when the client is started (still working on this one)

My rig - Windows7 build 7000 - Cat 9.3s - Catalyst AI disabled. Constantly tanks. Both GPU's
Her rig - Vista 64 - Cat 9.3's - Tanks with the same error as mine. Cat AI enabled or disabled - same issue.

Its a shame - the X2 GPUs were showing about 3000 PPD each.
Welcome HammerAZ and thanks for putting those spare cycles to use. :)
I ended up building a second gaming box, which folds 24/7. Bought a PS3 to game on since my main gaming rigs are folding... The PS3 folds 24/7. Thank goodness a XBox360 can't fold! :eek: :D

Send a PM off to EvilAlchemist. If he can't help you with your ATi GPUs, he can point you in the right direction.