Help Antec 550W into GA-K8N PRO! Power Supply has 24 pins mobo doesnt ! HELP!


Limp Gawd
Jun 15, 2003

I just bought an Antec 550W PS

and when I was placing the main ATX cable on the mobo I noticed the ANTEC has 24 pins and the mobo has less.

I found a way to fit although about two rows stay out of the white connector!

Can I run it like this? Help!!!

Also it has a bigger 12V cable. I should use the standard one right?

Thanks and please help
This is not a standard ATX12V power supply. It is probably ATX GES. As such, you could risk damaging your motherboard and connected components by attempting to use this power supply without rewiring. My suggestion is to politely request an item exchange from the store you bought the power supply.
are you sure?

It says

TRUE550 EPS12V Designed for compatibility with motherboards designed to the server system infrastructure SSI specification.
Oh, EPS12V--another specification designed for servers and workstations. Electrically, the specification is similar to that of ATX, but the pin configuration is different. You could technically rewire the cables and add 20- and 4-pin connectors to go in your motherboard, but it would void your power supply's warranty, add risk of component damage if improperly wired, and be more trouble than it's probably worth. Just go to your retailer and request an exchange for an ATX version of your power supply.
Originally posted by xonik
Oh, EPS12V--another specification designed for servers and workstations. Electrically, the specification is similar to that of ATX, but the pin configuration is different. You could technically rewire the cables and add 20- and 4-pin connectors to go in your motherboard, but it would void your power supply's warranty, add risk of component damage if improperly wired, and be more trouble than it's probably worth. Just go to your retailer and request an exchange for an ATX version of your power supply.

Well, not quite. The only difference between the 24-pin connector on EPS12V and regular ATX is 4 pins added. None of the other pins are different, so you can leave the extra 4 pins, which are just an extra ground, 3.3, 5, and 12 hanging off. Would I suggest it? No, but it will work. Also, with the advent of PCI Express and new ATX 2.2 standards, the 24-pin connector is now standard for *all* ATX PSUs, because of the added power requirements of PCI-E. It should have come with an adapter, and so if it didn't, you can request one from Antec.
well so considering i dont have an adapter is it better to:


The guide I linked to is pretty clear. If you can follow instructions, you'll be fine sticking with #2. If you can't, then keep your TrueBlue.
... Except that it's backwards from the situation :p

Anyway, because of the way that the pins are keyed, you will be hard-pressed to plug it in wrong. YMMV
Vantecs with this same setup come with an adapter. See if you can locate one?
Yeah I am so afraid to fry my mobo.

I didnt try it yet.

The problem is that I am not in America at the moment and where I am it is very difficult to find one of those. I will try to look better.
what kind of help do you want? You can get an adapter, you can exchange the PSU, you can not use it, or you can wire up your own adapter from a dead CPU. In which case, go lok for pinouts online and remember to insulate the solder joints.

Don't know what to tell you. What do you expect us to be able to do for you when you have an ATX board and an EPS 12V PSU?
The point of keying the ATX connector is to prevent mobo damage. You *cannot* plug it in wrong!