HELP!!! Erased my motherboard's bios


Limp Gawd
Jun 2, 2004
I just tried to update my bios on my asus a8v deluxe and the power went after it had erased the old bios, but not programmed the new one. I really need to get this fixed before the end of the weekend and I have no idea how to fix this now. My motherboard won't POST at all, so I defo know it's the bios and I'm kinda panicked now aghhh!!! :confused: I've read that I could hot swap the bios chip, but is that really safe? Also would I be able to do that my my MSI K8N Neo Plat? BTW, yesterday I blew up my floppy drive as well, so this hasn't been a good few days for me.
Natively "most", but not all MBs have an emergency update procedure. However this will require a Floppy Drive! What you essentially do is creat a bootable floppy that has a batch file that instructs the MB on booting to flash the bios with the ROM. These files and procedures are essentially on each respective MB makers' sites. With the K8N Neo 2 Platinum, I know that it can be done. I've done it also with the A7N8X Deluxe as well. If you can get to this forum, then got to the respective support section:
Okay I checked my motherboards, and I can't hot swap I don't think, so my A8V is an AMI bios and my Neo Plat is a Phoenix bios :( I'll try and find out how to try that emergency thingy though
EDIT: I forgot to add that my dvd drive seems to power up if that means anything
EDIT 2: That recovery thing doesn't seem to work :(. I think I may be able to hot swap, though, as the bios chips seem the same shape. I just need to find a non-metallic thing to take the chip out with
:( I was hoping that you had a spare floppy drive (in another system) or that you were able to purchase another one. I can pick them up for 6.99 ea here in the Seattle area. I unfortunately can't access the sites at this time until after work (1630) since the sites are blocked here at my work. One of the downsides of working where I work. Everything is filtered, scanned, blocked, re-routed, firewalled, etc. The other big thing is that they don't want you playing when you should be working... :D I wish you luck. Without a floppy drive this is a no go. with the floppy you can power up and see if the floppy's light flashes, if it does then the emergency procedure should work. :rolleyes:
yeah i have that board and just flashed to the latest beta bios .. i don't think i'll flash for a while .. got me thinking bad thoughts .. ack :eek:
I do have a floppy drive - I bought a new one today. I was trying to flash from it when the power originally went and screwed the bios. It doesn't seem to read from it when I press alt + F2. I'm gonna cut my losses for today and get a PLLC extractor tool tomorrow and probably try a hot swap with that.
I believe asus has a recovable bois. Not totally sure but i believe you can use the motherboard driver disk boot from that and load that bios on. Liek i said not totally sure but i believe i can do that with my ASUS p4c800e-dulx. I think asus calls it its crash free bios
Read your manual that board has a bios recovery system incase you screw it up like that, ill look through it now (I have the same board.)

It should post and detect the bad bios and read from a floppy and cd for a bios file (the stock bios is on your cd)

As for not posting I would contact tech support. (I dont get why motherboards dont have a rom bios that loads if the flash is corrupted)

Is the green led on the motherboard lit? (green led is on with power even if system is off) Is the atx switch in the right place? (from case to mb) Is the cpu/ram seated correctly?
everything is in order and I tried the recovery thing, but it didn't seem to do anything and I left it for a while. Im about to try hot swapping the bios chip now - it's all or nothing now
Okay that failed :( AFUDOS wasn't having any of it and Uniflash gave me an error #152 drive not ready. Looks like I'm stuffed then :(
I'm interested in how well hot-swapping works. Sounds interesting, good luck :)
I'll be buying myself a new identical mobo tomorrow and I'll try hot swapping with that to see if it works. If that fails I'll just have to buy a new bios chip.