help help please my laptop is messed up


Limp Gawd
Jul 30, 2005
helpme please, thisa morning i spilled hot co co on my lsaptop asnd now it ias sall mesasaed up. sertsain keysa asre regisatering to.gether, and do.ubl.e typing. also. my co.mputer is running very very slow.I am scared to. restart incase it do.esaant turn o.n. I already let it drain fo.r a whil.e. what do.i do.!!!
Shut it down, take the keyboard apart. Check for stains, etc... u got to be careful and clean it from the insides. Good luck. :D

no its having trouble running things, they boot slower, i restarted finally, and hooked up an external keyboard, Things are running faster now. primary keyboard still f-d up : /
sin01 said:
no its having trouble running things, they boot slower, i restarted finally, and hooked up an external keyboard, Things are running faster now. primary keyboard still f-d up : /

clean it out thoroughly, let dry completely, reassemble. Presto good as new. :D