Help me buy a PSU


Limp Gawd
Sep 13, 2008
hi, i'm looking at getting a new power supply and originally i was aiming at getting a 1000W Antec TruePower. Then i thought what if i never need that much power? is it worth spending an extra $100? so i looked around and came up with these 2, i really want to go Modular. but i'm very very tempted but the others price.
i'll be running this system
eVGA 680i T1
Intel E6600 @ 2.4GHz
4gigs of ram
2x 8800GT
2x HDD's
a ton of fans
and i'll be overclocking just about everything.
those are not fully modular, if you really wanna go fully modular you could go with the Ultras x3 series they are very reliable and very well made, i bought one 5 months ago and everything is going the way it should........besides they have lifetime warranty once you register the psu on their site......
this is the one i bought:

look at reviews people are giving to this psu, people here will say go corsair most of the time, but this ultras x3 psu's series totally rocks.......just dont go to any previous series, stick to the x3 series
Haven't actually used the Antec, but I've used the corsair and it's awesome, from reviews it looks like reviews like it to. Cheaper is the final straw that makes it my vote. However if you want modular you want to go with the HX line and not the TX....The HX620 would do the job for you.
For that type of system, I'd aim more in the 500-600 watt range.
My Q6600 + 2x 9800GTX+'s, etc, etc only pulls 350 watts from the wall under 100% load folding.

Luck ........... :D
i also don't want to have to buy another PSU anytime soon, i can put up with not having a modular power supply for the price, but am i going to have to spend more money in the near future if i go with the smaller one? with the price on the Corsair i can afford to buy my 2nd 8800GT. but if i need more power i'll wait and go with the Antec.
well i've decided that i want a partially modular PSU so is it better to get the Antec TPQ-850 or for $40 more get the Antec TruePower Quattro TPQ-1000?
1000W is nowhere near necessary for your PC, so I say save the $40 and go with the 850W model.
so i looked into the Antec TPQ-850 and it "was" having problems with the 8800 series (G92) mainly the GTX, some GTS and very few GT's. apparently it was a problem with the drivers on the nvidia cards, thats said to be fixed since 169.44. i will be running 8800 GT's in sli, is it safe for me to buy this PSU?!:confused:
I recommend saving some money. You will not need more than 750W with the set up. The PC Power and Cooling 750 Quad is what I'd recommend.
so i looked into the Antec TPQ-850 and it "was" having problems with the 8800 series (G92) mainly the GTX, some GTS and very few GT's. apparently it was a problem with the drivers on the nvidia cards, thats said to be fixed since 169.44. i will be running 8800 GT's in sli, is it safe for me to buy this PSU?!:confused:

Since it's been fixed in the drivers, I don't see why there would be a problem any more.
just following up, i went ahead and bough the Antec TurePower Quattro 850w it works with my 8800 gt and my new GTX 260! its great! :D

the problem was fixed with the drivers, so i highly recommend this PSU!