help me choose something for ps2. i cant choose!


Nov 13, 2003
i got my PS2 a few weeks ago in a trade. i now have resident evil: veronica X w/e its called (got it today used for 15 bucks) and GT4 which i totally LOVE. well i saw a lot of used and new games for cheap in craptastic chinatown and i couldnt choose which to get and had my sister choose resident evil for me. i dont really like first person shooter games since controlling someone with a gun with a ps conroller is somewhat hard for me. i like every other kinds though. can someone help me choose?

edit: please explain what the game is like! no final fantisies, gta series, or any 1st person shooters
La Pucelle, Disgaea, Phantom Brave.
Zone of the Enders 1 & 2.
Ace Combat 5.
Gradius V.

Friggin best tactical game for the PS2 (FF Tactics for the PS1 is as good)
Disgaea wasted a month of my life; if you're looking for longevity in a game then look no further.
God of War is probably the best action game I've played in five years. No kidding. :)
what are all these games!? hmm. virtual fighter sounds inteesting . what is it? andace of combat sounds interesting too. how good is devil may cry 1, 2 and 3 (i can get them new for 20, 25, and 30) ?
ati_azn said:
what are all these games!? hmm. virtual fighter sounds inteesting . what is it? andace of combat sounds interesting too. how good is devil may cry 1, 2 and 3 (i can get them new for 20, 25, and 30) ?

Devil May Cry 1 was fun, two was pretty horrible, and I hear three is really, really, good.

At least give God of War a rent, though ;)
Sly Cooper - great platformer, loads of fun.
Guilt Gear X2 - fantastic 2d fighter
Dark Cloud - one hella fun rpg
Final Fantasy X
Final Fantasy X2
Metal Gear Solid
Metal Gear Solid 2
Metal Gear Solid 3
you won't find god of war cheap or used, it just came out this week and it's awesome.
METAL GEAR SOLID!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1-3 a must buy for the PS2 owner IMO
I also like the DDR series but its somewhat expensive for the game and dance pads.

I too buy old used games for cheap :p It better than giving 7dollars to rent a game from the evil coporation that is blockbuster(hopefully they will hire me when I apply this week :))
ati_azn said:
whats god of war? RPG, first person shooter ??
Its a HELLA fun adventure game. REALLY SWEET.

If you have a PS2 and dont play a Final FAntasy game, i will hunt you down myself. Theres Final Fantasy X And X-2... try them out, very fun! Also, there is the Jak and Daxter series, thats a platformer, and there are the other multi-platform games available. Metal Gear Solid series is a MUST, and the Devil May Cry 1 and 3 are AMAZING, great games!
hmm metal gear solid eh? what is it about? im going to go game shopping next week :)
again, i dont like those korny cartoony games, not into those kinda stuff. reminds me of gunbound.
quiksilverx181 said:
Its a HELLA fun adventure game. REALLY SWEET.

If you have a PS2 and dont play a Final FAntasy game, i will hunt you down myself. Theres Final Fantasy X And X-2... try them out, very fun! Also, there is the Jak and Daxter series, thats a platformer, and there are the other multi-platform games available. Metal Gear Solid series is a MUST, and the Devil May Cry 1 and 3 are AMAZING, great games!
haha nice to see someone say Hella... i knew u were from norcal b4 i looked at ur location... too bad the word doesn't catch on elsewhere
my brother can't stop raving about god of war, i've sat and watched him play and it looks really good.
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2005.

Addictive as hell plus if you drink, playing drunken Tiger is the best!
kilik123 said:
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2005.

Addictive as hell plus if you drink, playing drunken Tiger is the best!
LOL. i dont have patience waiting for a ball to go around a large court and getting it nto a puny hole. anymore?
CatsGoMoo said:
God of War is probably the best action game I've played in five years. No kidding. :)

I liked it better when it was Rygar.
i'd suggest any of the Grand Theft Auto games... 'San Andreas' is the latest and greatest, but 'Vice City' is dirt cheap nowadays...

nothing like cruising around fake-Miami in a red ferrari with some awesome 80s tunes playing in the background :D

if you like puzzle games, try ICO, it's an oldie but a goodie...
Metal Gear Solid 2 and 3 for PS2 are 3rd person shooters(you can also aim in 1st person) and they have mazing story lines. Think of it like a great 3rd person shooter action game with the story line of a RPG. This game pulls you into the story.

Since oyu do not like RPGs MGS2 might be a bit long winded but MGS3 is the perfect balance of cut scenes and action.
I didn't read thru all the posts so if this has been mentioned, sorry.

ICO!!!!!!!!!(the !!!!'s continue forever)

If you can find it, GET IT!
ECM said:
I liked it better when it was Rygar.

Have you played God of War yet? I thought the combat mechanics, gameplay flow and story in Rygar were sorely lacking, and didn't even come close to living up to the Rygar name (and I really wanted that game to be great).

God of War is extremely well done in just about every aspect. When I first saw screenshots I thought the exact same thing you did: "oh boy, another action adventure set in the Antiquities." I was couldn't have been more wrong. At least give it a shot. You'd be missing out if you didn't play this game.
Darthbeevah said:
Two words - Katamari Damacy

I agree!!! Another game that takes a very simple premise and manages to create one of the freshest gameplay experiences I've ever had.

Oh!!! If you can find it (and this is a longshot), pick up a copy of REZ. Simply amazing on rails shooter in the tradition of Panzer Dragoon. One of my favorite all time games.
Metal Gear Solid series +++++++++++++++

Also, Gran Turismo series is about the best console racing I've had.
ill try metal gear solid first. is it like max payne?
illig- nah, i have gta3 (pc), vc (pc), and san andres im going to borrow from my friend. dont really like it too much
darthbeevah- whats kata damacy and how is it like?
and everybody else. PLEASE give more details about the games. i dont know too much about game titles since im just starting to get into ps2 :eek:
Noo, Metal Gear Solid is nothing like Max Payne. It's more like Splinter Cell or Thief, but with more action.
MGS is like splinter cell, but you don't have to play stealth constantly
ati_azn said:
i got my PS2 a few weeks ago in a trade. i now have resident evil: veronica X w/e its called (got it today used for 15 bucks) and GT4 which i totally LOVE. well i saw a lot of used and new games for cheap in craptastic chinatown and i couldnt choose which to get and had my sister choose resident evil for me. i dont really like first person shooter games since controlling someone with a gun with a ps conroller is somewhat hard for me. i like every other kinds though. can someone help me choose?

edit: please explain what the game is like! no final fantisies, gta series, or any 1st person shooters

Burnout 3, all the way.
shadowbreaker513 said:
Ratchet and Clank 3!

I second that. The entire Ratchet and Clank series is probably the best platformer series to come out this side of Mario. It is the main reason why I bought a PS2.

If you don't mind the vilnce the GTA series is fun. The third one is absolutely huge in scope. If you are easily offended or don't groove on violence I would say avoid this series like the plague. This series is not for everyone. Personally think GTA:SA is a brilliant game but I refuse to play it if my seven year old daughter is in the room. If she is in the room I usually turn on the Gamecube, she enjoys kickng her old man's ass in Super Smash Brothers: Melee. ;)

Back on topic, my wife really likes the Champions of Norath series. While it is a fantasy RPG game, it is far from Final Fantasy. This is more of an action RPG in the same vain as Diablo for the PC.

hope this helps.