Help me decide... new cpu or cpu and mb

Lava Lamp Freak

Limp Gawd
Jun 20, 2004
I currently have an ASUS P4C800-E Deluxe and a P4 2.6C. I recently bought the 23" HP L2335 display and BFG 6800GT OC. Running at 1920x1200 games seem to get into some low fps when in battle. So, I'm ready to buy whatever is needed to improve the performance. What would be the best way to get more fps? Should I stay with my 875P board and buy a P4 3.4 or buy an AMD 64 board like the MSI K8N Neo2 Platinum and AMD 64 cpu? Would the 3800+/nForce3 Ultra be much faster than a P4 3.4/875P?
Running at 1920x1200 games seem to get into some low fps when in battle.
No kidding? :rolleyes:

I'm not so sure you're going to get much sympathy from people when running at that resolution. Ease off the AA/AF if you have it on for starters.

Anyhow, doubt you're going to see much difference between those 2 processors you mentioned. Why not try overclocking the FSB on that motherboard and/or seeing if your 6800GT will clock a bit higher. That's what I'd do before going out and buying new equipment.
Don't bother upgrading the proc. Just OC it and also turn the freaking rez down. It's no wonder you have horrible freaking frames. Even the 6800 Ultra was only throwing out like 60 fps at 1600 x 1200. Once AA was turned on, it'd drop to 40 fps.

I'm getting 60 fps at medium 1280 x 1024 on a Chaintech 6800.
krotch said:
Just OC it and also turn the freaking rez down. It's no wonder you have horrible freaking frames

Turning down the rez really isn't an option. I have a 23" widescreen LCD and the native resolution is 1920x1200. I've tried 1600x1200 but I see no difference at all between it and 1920x1200 except the picture isn't near as good since I'm running at less than the native resolution. Games actually aren't that bad at 1920x1200, about that same as what you are seeing at 1600x1200. The only game that really gets unplayable in battle is Far Cry but turning down some of the game quality options helps. I haven't purchased Doom 3 yet. I think buying a faster CPU will help. Even 20 fps more will make a difference in battle. Also when SLI is available I bet that will be a big help.
dude i don't think you're going to get 20fps by upgrading your proc. just want to be honest but i guess it's only money right? :rolleyes: