Help me decide please


Jul 3, 2006
Sooo.... I am on the old $30 SERO plan with Sprint and I am tired of my phone, (LG RUMOR) and looking for a phone that will allow me to get more out of my plan.

I love to browse the web, listen to music, text/email/IM and I do all that regularly. I want a touchscreen, as I have used them on friends phones, (Voyagers, iPhones, Instincts) as well as in stores and I love them. The lack of hardware keyboards doesn't bother me but minimally at best.

I haven't used the Diamond in person, but the reviews I read are pretty positive. The TouchFLO is wonky in some pretty big ares, (email for example) but positive overall.

Here's the rub:
The LG Vu and the iPhone are at ATT. This means I would swallow the ETF for Sprint and move to a plan that is roughly 2x as much as I pay now. (I figured but the iPhone plan and an individual 450 + PDA/Smartphone internet and unlimited mssging and they came out to be about even.)

I am a pretty technicle person and no matter which phone I end up with, I will most likely play around and hack it a bit. Adding stuff, this, that, etc... Just for fun. I am not daunted by WM6 - Indeed I used a Q9c for a bit and it was a pleasant enough experience. I have no idea how WM6 works in a touch environment though.

I have use the LG Vu in the ATT Store and I was impressed. It seems snappy and had a landscape horizontal QWERTY, (which was badass). It's not popular here yet so it will be unique also That's all I know of it.

I like the iPhone. Period. MMS and no C/P are not issues for me as I rarely use either. It is intuitive and I had no problems picking it up and using it with no help either of the few times I have.

I don't want to leave the SERO plan if I don't have to, but the Diamond is the only phone offered that could keep me here.

Can anyone provide any extra information that will help me decide?
Any responses?
I am really just looking for more information from first hand users. Anything really.
i have an iphone, the games, email compatability, apps from app store all rock. i downloaded an app for 1$ called Ambiance, plays soothing songs like ocean, and waterfalls lol. + its an ipod on your iphone. i like ability of just browsing songs and just chillen listening to music while also being able to answer phone. + i can look up movie theater times with a click here n there, and it will give me the times + route a gps location in seconds. same with restaurants, etc

also lets me use aim, msn, etc but the apps for multi clienting kinda suck. there is ebay app, myspace, and facebook app. all work great.

visual voicemail, contacts list are also good on this phone. id buy it
stay away from the iphone, get the diamond or the diamond pro if u can

The iphone plan is almost 90$ a month with the 450 minutes, data, and txt

iPhone base plan is 70$, but you have to add unlimted txt for 20$ a month so thats 90, and you get charged a telecommunications tax which is roughly 10$ a month, so in total your looking at 100$ a month.
stay away from the iphone, get the diamond or the diamond pro if u can

The iphone plan is almost 90$ a month with the 450 minutes, data, and txt

iPhone base plan is 70$, but you have to add unlimted txt for 20$ a month so thats 90, and you get charged a telecommunications tax which is roughly 10$ a month, so in total your looking at 100$ a month.

Yea. I figured the plan. It will be like $90 total a month for the iPhone. Thats a lot of money a month for a phone, esp. when I have been paying $43/mo for the last 10 months. I kinda just figured it was par for the course since a comparable plan, (data, txt, minutes) would run about $80 and I could get the LG Vu. I assumed that I can't really base the cost of those plans against mine since I got on the best plan in existence in terms of Price/Performance.

d i a m o n d
im typing his from mine :)

You have the standard HTC Touch Diamond? How is it? Can you give me your impressions with the phone? Overview of txting, emailing, etc... How's responsiveness? Does it get bogged down super quick? Honestly, compared to the iPhone, how's it work for you?

I am kinda considering the Instinct too. I TOLD myself I wouldn't get it no matter what. I used it in the store and I liked it very well for the most part, but the browser is just horrible. It seems to favor a default to Mobile pages, even when you force desktop/standard view.

Has anyone here played with the Instinct enough to give an impression?

P.S. - I looked through my phone and it turns out that I actually DO MMS alot... Go figure eh?
If you are in to customizing, installing lots of cool apps, etc... then you want a phone with windows mobile. Instinct would be fine I guess if you are happy with its original functionality. Browser is one of the things youd be able to replace on it though. Opera mini runs in java and use the default browser for full page viewing (Atleast I think it would install).
If you are in to customizing, installing lots of cool apps, etc... then you want a phone with windows mobile. Instinct would be fine I guess if you are happy with its original functionality. Browser is one of the things youd be able to replace on it though. Opera mini runs in java and use the default browser for full page viewing (Atleast I think it would install).

Due to a crippled java .mdi, (or something) opera does not install. Basically, Sprint crippled the Java but kept the MID2 compliance falsely.
Dont get the instinct, its a nice phone but it has no where near the customization of windows mobile or even the iPhone, its basically a regular phone in a nice sleek touch screen body... STAY AWAY

And you can only get the Instinct if you get the simply everything plan for 99$ a month.
You can get the "Everything" plan starting at 69.99, with 450mins... This represents a significant savings in terms of what you get per dollar spent in comparison to the iPhone.

To be fair, theoretically, the Instinct is just as, if not more customizable then the iPhone, (maybe not WinMo). It runs a modified BREW/JavaME OS and the SDK has been released. There is just not a big community because of how Sprint crippled the Java on the phone. Hopefully they will fix this in the upcoming MR3 update.

The iPhone is kinda off my list. I do send and receive MMS and I dont really want to lose that. I took it so for granted that I totally didn't even realize that I used it so much. Also, the GPS on the Instinct beats the ever living shit out of the iPhone.

Really, it's down to the Instinct and the HTC Touch Diamond (Maybe HD if I can wait that long... Probably not though).