Help me make the right choice PSU


Limp Gawd
Mar 2, 2005
PSU help me pick the right 1. What are some names that are known for quality PSU that last more that will last more than a year. After reading all those cx reviews of the Antec Smartpower 2.0 450, I am convinced thats the root of all my issues.

I am thinking about something like this 1 might be good.

Ok, of those:

Xion: It's not exactly.. steller, from what I've seen.
Enermax: Better choices exist, for the money.
OCZ: Pass, due to excess ripple.
BFG: Not recommended due to poor voltage regulation.

I also recommend:

I actually have other recommendations, but since you've given NO criteria as for what you're looking for in a PSU, I'm just going to be annoying. :)
If you could hold off a bit wait and see how the new Silverstone models fair. They have new 650 and 750w non modular, single 12v rail psus on the market under their Olympia name as well as a single 12v rail + modular psu under their new Decathlon name which are modular olympias.

I hope jonny can do a review of these if at all possible. I was dead set on the OP650 until the OP750 came out with its higher 12v rail amperage plus 100w more as long as it does well. The Decathlon is now on the forefront of my mind due to having the same specs as the OP750 though modular to help cut down on cable clutter in your case.

All the new Silverstones have the new 8 pin PCIE power connector which is being used on upcoming video cards making the psu a little more future proof using a native connection over adapters.
I would like something 500 watts or better. Dual 12v rails doesn't matter much as long as it is rate at 18 amps or higher. Modular doesn't matter that much never had a Modular psu before might be nice.

My system specs are.

AMD 3500 Venice
Epox 9nda3j MB
6800 GS 256 AGP
1 gig Crucial 3200 ram 2 x 512
Antec Smartpower 2.0 450 watt psu
2 harddives
Dvd rom Lite on
DVD-RW BenQ 1640

Depending if board is still good or not I may upgrade to PCIe MB and get a new video card some thing like a 7900 gs or GT or an x1950 pro.

I don't think I will go with SLI or crossfire the GPU that are coming out are plenty fast enough for me to just use a single card. I may add a Sata drive or 2 in the future though. is that enough info to go on JonnyGURU
So you want a 500W~ modular PSU?


Corsair HX520W
Aerocool Zero-dba 500W
Ultra X2 550W
Antec NeoHE 500W or 550W
Silverstone Strider ST60F
Enhance ENS-0560G
Thermaltake Toughpower 700W
OCZ EvoStream 600W

Use to find best price.
SeaSonic M12 SS-500HM

Yeah. That's a really nice unit, but I left it off the list because GOD DAMN they're expensive for "just a 500W PSU." You know?