Help me OC my Opteron 165!


Limp Gawd
Aug 5, 2005
Hello friends!
I just put together a computer with the following:
Opteron 165 (CCBBE 0610DPMW)
ASRock 939Dual-SATA2
Zalman CNPS9500 LED
and Corsair Value Select 1GB(2x512) PC3200 (2.5-3-3-8)
It's all inside of an Antec P150 with a NeoHE 430watt PSU

Now, I went on a little adventure trying to OC for the first time,
and here are my results.

The ASRock's Bios only allows for a voltage of 1.400v, but CPU-Z displays
thats the voltage is running at around 1.44.

The Bios only allows me to set my HTT to a maximum of 300.

The only memory dividers that are allowed to me are:
DDR266 (3/2), DDR333 (6/5), and DDR400 (1/1)

Trying to OC at 1/1, I can get my HTT to about maybe 240 max, then
the computer wont even start. Probably because the RAM cannot handle it.
So, I tried 6/5, and my max HTT is 272, which Primes both cores at 8 hours+
(no errors yet, but I had to stop) This yields 2448mhz.
Now, i tried 3/2, which theoretically, if I set my HTT to 300, the RAM should
follow and be set to its normal 200mhz. Well, any number i try for 3/2 does not

Anyone know what i can do? or is 272 HTT, with 6/5 ratio my max?
If you'd like the best overclocking guide out there with details as to how to find the limits of your hardware, you'll want this.
I've seen posts about overclocking with this motherboard,
and I've seen people talk about how the HTT is capped at 275
with BIOS versions 1.3 and above, and something about
modded BIOS' that allow you to break that barrier?

I was wondering, does anyone have experience with this?
And, is my max 272 HTT because of that barrier?

I don't wanna go messing with updating my BIOS when i don't
need to.
i've just done a similar system myself. i got an opty 165 on the asus A8N32-SLI board and DDR500 ram. i don't know what you're going to get out of ASRock. i have very very little faith in a board like that. i'm not saying that it will be back just saying that i am compeltely unfamiliar with it.

one thing i can say about your voltage is that its probably doing what my board is doing. automatically adding a tad more voltage. why i don't know.

at this point, i wouldn't go cranking up the voltage when you don't need it. i tried that and at 2.4Ghz i was running stable at 67 C under full load. absolutly disgusting. granted, i'm using the stock cooler but still. thats crap no matter how you slice it. i think i was barely above stock volts.

what i'm saying here is that maybe you're overheating the cpu already? (although i doubt it). i would try dropping your voltage BELOW spec. trust me here, i'm fully stable at 2.4Ghz and 1.13V. that dropped my temps down to 45 C under load. don't worry, gunna push her further this weekend i think;)

also, drop your ram divider down. that way you can't hit a ram limit before you hit your cpu and mainboard limit. worry about cranking up the ram later once you get to that point. up the voltage above stock only when you hit instability with your overclock.

finally don't be afraid to update your bios. bios flashes earned a bad rap when it started years ago. its very safe now and very easy if you have a utility to update it in windows (should have come with the mainboard). just take your time to be sure you download the right bios file from ASRock and not the file for a different mainboard.

hope that helps!
First off, there is an HTT barrier on that board at 274. You can get around that with the OCW beta bios 2, found here:

just as a side note, you should have voltage options up to 1.45v... but with the ccbbe 0610 stepping you should only need 1.40v anyways to reach the max oc since raising voltage on that chip supposedly doesnt help very much. at stock volts, I've read people getting on average around 3ghz

but even with the beta bios, the asrock board may only reach a HTT of maybe 325, so that puts you at 325x9 = 2925mhz

my first suggestion would be to us the OCW beta bios, and see how high that can put you

those temps are decent. You could even put the fan on 12v since it is still extremely quiet at that speed. so long as the temp doesnt go above 55C load you should be OK. but I would maybe think about putting a small fan on the chipset of the board. When I had that board, the huge aluminum heatsink was smoking hot at htt=300 so you may want to think about a fan or something

also, you can get other memory dividers with a64 tweaker. I never used them, but I think it lets you use 2 more or something
I think the OCWBeta BIOS' give me more voltages and memory dividers, too.
I'm going to go do that now.