Help me out here - component cables


[H]F Junkie
Jul 2, 2003
Okay, so I have decided it's high time to pick up component cables for my two systems (Gamecube and PS2) so I can play them on a TV that has component (and to get 480p).

Well, the problem now is locating the cables. Nintendo doesn't sell component cables through their website anymore, and the closest I found was on, for the low low price of $70. :eek: It's also rather hard to find a PS2 component cable from any major retailer sites.

Anyone know where I can get first-party cables for these systems for less than insane prices? If worse comes to worst, I'll look at eBay or 3rd party cables, so any recommendations are appreciated too.

Thanks a lot.

edit: I guess the gamecube one isn't all too important, since the Wii will launch later this year and I could just play through that.
"It's safe to say that the Nintendo GameCube's 480p option has been enjoyed by a minority of players, including those with HDTVs. This is because Nintendo completely botched the marketing of this feature. While myriad Xbox products are available in brick-and-mortar retailers to cater to high-definition enthusiasts, the GCN's component cables must be specially ordered, directly from Nintendo. This alienates just about all potential users.

What's worse, just tracking down those cables, plugging them in, and inserting a game with the "Progressive Scan" designation isn't enough. You have to enable 480p every time you want to play in high definition by holding down the "B" button while booting a game until a dialog box appears. When I first got my HD setup going, it took me a whole two days to realize I hadn't enabled high-def support on my Cube.

Hey man, I know BB carries Sony-brand component cables. I got mine at the BB near Kenmore Square, on Brookline ave. Cost ~$25.
Slartibartfast said:
Hey man, I know BB carries Sony-brand component cables. I got mine at the BB near Kenmore Square, on Brookline ave. Cost ~$25.

Cool, I'll have to check out the local one when I head home today.

kumquat said:
What's worse, just tracking down those cables, plugging them in, and inserting a game with the "Progressive Scan" designation isn't enough. You have to enable 480p every time you want to play in high definition by holding down the "B" button while booting a game until a dialog box appears. When I first got my HD setup going, it took me a whole two days to realize I hadn't enabled high-def support on my Cube.


Yeah, they buried that piece of information inside the gamecube manual, the one no one reads.

The worst thing is, like I mentioned before, is that Nintendo stopped selling cables even from their site, and they stopped manufacturing gamecubes that could use component cables, so we have all these progressive scan games, but no way to play them.

Anyway, thanks for the help and links guys!
kumquat said:
You have to enable 480p every time you want to play in high definition by holding down the "B" button while booting a game until a dialog box appears.

Strange...Mine automatically comes up with the options without me holding B for any of my games.
Could be because I never plugged in the composite video cable? No video for that means it automatically runs the components and asks..I guess.
BillLeeLee said:
The worst thing is, like I mentioned before, is that Nintendo stopped selling cables even from their site, and they stopped manufacturing gamecubes that could use component cables, so we have all these progressive scan games, but no way to play them.

I, too, suffered this sling (or was it an arrow?) and refused to give Nintendo my money for component cables since they clearly didn't want to support it. I've rarely been truly angry with Nintendo, but this was one of those times (the other biggie was the original GBA screen, which I corrected for two handhelds with the Afterburner).

Fortunately, the Wii is no more than 3 months away and it should have better support in this area. I'm assuming that the Wii, when connected via component cables to a DTV, will allow you to enable 480p in both Wii and GC titles.

edit: Didn't notice your edit. :)
I recently picked up some component cables for the PS2 last week - my wife and I switched LCDs (I had an actual HDTV, and she wanted to use PiP, so I ended up with her 2005FPW). I ended up getting the MadCatz "3-in-1" universal cables. They work fine (the picture is better than composite, at least), and they were fairly cheap ($15). I understand that people have had issues with MadCatz combo cables in the past when plugging into multiple consoles simultaneously, so caveat emptor, I suppose.

bought my cables from ebay really cheap for my gamecube. you have to make sure your gamecube model though supports the cable.
If you really want them liksang has the gamecube component cables back in stock:

I went ahead and picked them up and it looks sweet compared to my old composite cables (composite on a 51 inch tv is UGLY).

Just fair warning on the ps2 there are some issues with it on HDTV's. On mine (linkage) I get these small black bars on the side even in widescreen/progressive mode.

No way to fix it :( Almost tempted to hook it back up to one of the older SDTV's in the house but God of War is one of the few ps2 games that look AWESOME on the big screen.
Netrat33 said:
bought my cables from ebay really cheap for my gamecube. you have to make sure your gamecube model though supports the cable.

Not a prob - I have two Cubes from a few years ago, one of which is from a couple months after launch.

powersurge said:
If you really want them liksang has the gamecube component cables back in stock:

I went ahead and picked them up and it looks sweet compared to my old composite cables (composite on a 51 inch tv is UGLY).

Yeah...$70 was what I didn't want to pay. ;)

Well, at least half my quest is done - my local Best Buy didn't have a Sony brand component cable, but I bought one off Amazon for $20 and it just shipped today, or yesterday, or whatever.

I'm looking at ebay - official Nintendo components are pricey! I think I'll go third party for this one, or just tough it out for another 2-3 months. :)
powersurge said:
Just fair warning on the ps2 there are some issues with it on HDTV's. On mine (linkage) I get these small black bars on the side even in widescreen/progressive mode.


Are you sure the game itself supports Widescreen/progressive? A lot of PS2 games don't.
The Sony brand cables suck. (washed out reds and blury.) But the only other alternative is Monster cables, and those are a ripoff.

The Nintendo cables are of the best quality, (DO NOT BUY A 3RD PARTY CABLE, trust me.) I recommend if you can find them. (didnt know they stopped selling them online...)

Mine cost 20$ shipped, but that was from Nintendo. $70 sounds ridiculous. Ebay is your friend.
The GC cables used to be $35 at Lik-sang, I sold mine here for $30 because I never bought a GC to use them :p

I guess they are getting more rare as time goes on.
-=Antimatter=- said:
The GC cables used to be $35 at Lik-sang, I sold mine here for $30 because I never bought a GC to use them :p

I guess they are getting more rare as time goes on.


Now they're $70. Geez.
Dang! even on Ebay they went up. $50 for "buy it now"

better do it soon before it's completely gone.

That or just wait for Wii and you can play your old GC games on it.