Help me out, I need a mobo/HSF TODAY


Limp Gawd
Dec 23, 2005
So I got my conroe ordered and don't have a HSF or mobo for it (the last piece of my puzzle) and I need some suggestions on what would be worth it and what wouldn't.

My criteria is as follows:

* Have to buy from the egg as I spend all my cash on the CPU and they give me credit.
* Need 1394 ports on board
* Don't want to spend more than $50 on the HSF
* Don't care about XFire or SLI

I know there's other threads and such on this kinda thing, but since I hate the thought of a conroe sitting in my house with nowhere to put it I'm going to just ask for some blunt suggestions.
Lich said:
So I got my conroe ordered and don't have a HSF or mobo for it (the last piece of my puzzle) and I need some suggestions on what would be worth it and what wouldn't.

My criteria is as follows:

* Have to buy from the egg as I spend all my cash on the CPU and they give me credit.
* Need 1394 ports on board
* Don't want to spend more than $50 on the HSF
* Don't care about XFire or SLI

I know there's other threads and such on this kinda thing, but since I hate the thought of a conroe sitting in my house with nowhere to put it I'm going to just ask for some blunt suggestions.

I know you already listed your criteria, but do you plan on overclocking? What about extra features such as RAID? Lastly, give us a ballpark figure in terms of your budget so it's easier to point you to the proper board.
MOBO budget I'l like to be betweek $150 and $250. I have a file server with .44TB of storage so I'd be doubting that I'll run more than 1 HD in here. Maybe 2 if I want to do some testing with it (like seeing how fast FreeBSD will Make World). I would like to try some overclocking, not a whole lot, but to get the 6600 in the 3.0-3.5ghz range. I've been thinking about the gigabyte but no Firewire. I guess I could live with the PCI card I got. Ooh, and I need digital sound output.
I'm considering it, but I really hate the way they laid out the board. Plus it doesn't look like it overclocks too well
Lich said:
I'm considering it, but I really hate the way they laid out the board. Plus it doesn't look like it overclocks too well

Where do you see it doesn't OC well? With the release bios, it was getting to 375mhz bus speed with stock multiplier, and with the newer beta, I've heard of 400+.
Personally, I'd go with the Abit (I actually's sitting at home) over Gigabyte. It's maybe $10 more than the Gigabyte, but it has firewire in the Pro model. With 2 or 3 bios rev's, it should clock very well.
Thanks for all the answers. This is the first time i've been able to go mobo shopping and not get just the cheapest thing that I can afford, so it's exciting and stressfull at the same time.

Where does it say the Abit pro supports firewire? I don't see it anywhere.
Ab9 pro has firewire via a header. They are down the bottom near the Floppy connection.
kirbyrj said:
Ab9 pro has firewire via a header. They are down the bottom near the Floppy connection.
That's what I get for overlooking the cable connector image, it shows it right there. Thanks for the clarification. *sigh* Since we're on the subject, the boards that really have everything I dig all around are the high end ASUS ones. Is there anyway that this sucker would be worth the $250? Once I sell some extra ram paying for it won't be a problem, and since I probably won't upgrade for another 4/5 years I want to make sure I don't have to.

What i'm considering as possible board #3

Really leaning towards the DS3 and the Zalman 9500 right now...
Yah, I got the LED one in my cart because it's on sale. The ASUS pro looks tempting, but I'm trying to think if the $150 board with most of what I'd want VS the $250 board with everything and more.
gotta to go work, so i'm placing my order now. I'm going with the Asus P5B deluxe just because I want the longevity of a fully featured board with everything I need and more. I know it's cheaper elsewhere, I'll just deal with it. Thanks everyone for your input.