Help me pick a full HD monitor...


Dec 30, 2006
Hello guys, I'm from Europe (Netherlands) so my choice isn't as great as yours, and the prices certainly aren't pretty either. :p I am looking for a pc monitor that meets the following demands:

- Allows me to connect a PS3 at 1080p and a PC at 1920x1200 simultaneously
- Has sharp and vivid image quality for both (so vga with washed out colors or component with bad flickering won't suffice)
- Is HDCP compliant
- Has 1:1 or Aspect pixel mapping, either should do for watching full HD content I think

The PS3 just launched here so it's still very expensive, and don't own it yet so I wouldn't be able to test its image quality. I'll be watching HD films on it, so 1:1 1080p is a must even if most PS3 games wouldn't be released in that resolution. The following 24" monitors are available here and meet the pixel mapping demands as far as I know (prices are estimates converted from Euros):

LG L245WP-BN - $1,030
I could use HDMI for PS3 and VGA for PC. How would this look on both devices? I could also use component for PS3 and HDMI for PC, how is component quality, and does it allow me to run 1080p at all?

BenQ FP241WZ - $1,149
This would seem a fine monitor if not for the heavy price tag. PS3 on HDMI and PC on DVI would give great image quality for both I think? Has anyone hooked up a PS3 to this beast?

Dell 2407WFP - $934
Certainly the most economic choice, but I fear the connectivity and the scaling options. This review was posted by Jim Robbins on this forum, it shows that the Dell does a very poor job with the Xbox 360. Is it any different with the PS3 I wonder, or is it a monitor flaw?

Samsung 244T - $1,175
Seems to be on par with the Dell at a considerably higher price. It lacks the HDMI port that the BenQ does, too. Same questions arise with the Dell; how the PS3 at 1080p would do on DVI or component, and how the PC would do on VGA. Someone needs to convince me that this one's worth the extra money, although prices may drop when the 245T comes out (if ever...)

Fujitsu-Siemens P24-1W - $1,111
I don't know... It's out there, but seems overpriced. I don't even know if it supports pixel mapping. Has component like any other, but I don't expect much of that for some reason. Reviews online are lacking.

There's also the Acer AL2623W ($1,006), which unlike the Dutch AL2423Ws model has HDCP, but no pixel mapping it seems. I don't know if there's a workaround to get it 1:1 on a PS3 but I'm afraid it won't do it for me. Otherwise the extra two inches would be quite welcome.
There's also the Hewlett-Packard LP2465 which I believe lacks HDCP but correct me if I'm wrong...

I'd like to hear some experiences about these monitors with the PS3 seeing as you Americans and Canadians have had it for much longer than us. And also how the PC image would look at 1920x1200 at VGA if it takes the resolution at all.
If you reference the informal review that you mentioned as well as other seems that your best bet is to narrow the field to the LG and Benq, then decide which is best for your needs. As Mr. Robbins noted, there wasn't a monitor out the 3 he tested that was perfect in all areas and I think you'll find this is true even if you had all of the available competition to test.
Hmm yeah from what I read the LG and the BenQ monitors receive the best feedback... I was hoping someone would have a setup of an LG L245WP with a PS3 (not the L246WP discussed in that review, although they're apparently quite similar).
I want to bump this because I'm really curious what the experiences are with the LG display and particularly how it likes 1080p.