Help me predict if its worth it to upgrade?


Limp Gawd
Sep 23, 2004
So right now I have a p4 2.4 northwood oc'd to 2.6. What I want ot know if I can push this any higher buy buying new memory. Right now I have kingston value ram (shuush everyone at the time I didnt know any better). And the highest i can push it is 146mhz without crashing after 20 min. And im looking at some crucial


What dose everyone think is there more room to push this lil cpu anymore or am I at the limits. I feel the memory is holding me back, and possably with new stuff I can hold out buying a new processor for another couple of months.
My 2.4C went to 3.3Ghz for three years stable ;) I used PC-3700 RAM. Those 2.4Cs are the gifts that keep on giving, so you can get a lot more than 2.6 (why even bother with a 200mhz OC :rolleyes: ) I'd go for some DDR500, but that memory looks like it can do it on more relaxed timing..
Ok my mobo said ddr400 or pc3200 would that be the max or is it ok to run ddr 500 ??

This is promising im pretty excited now :D
And another question to the [H] gods......if i run cpu-z how do I tell which version I have. Like he said he had a 2.4c. How can I tell what mine is ???? :confused:
Boards can do higher than what they're rated. B4 anything I would post wat board you have to c if it can OC. that is great ram. I own a pair. AMD64 3000+ running @ 3800 speeds+.

He has a prescott. You have a northie. Thos prescotts 2.4 are good ocers.
the highest you are going to get with that ram is 200mhz. Not sure if that's good because i'm not an intel guy, but from what I can gather, the FSB is the important part of OC'ing the intels. I'm sure if you have a 133mhz stock, you won't be going much to or above 200mhz. My only recommendation is that since you have a lower fsb, and 200 would be a Nice boost in performance if you can even make it there, is to get the lowest possible timings you can at those speeds. 200mhz ram is cheap (in comparison). I would also heartily recommend a gig if you game. That extra 512 will make a big difference.
i was looking at the Xms, I beleave 2-2-2-6. Would it benificial to run ddr500 at 3-3-3-6? Price differance isnt that bad.
I was also thinking if I got new memory, in the future (2-3months) I wanted to get a pressy 3.0-3.2ghz....Would the ddr400 be a decent stick for that cpu also or would I be better going to the ddr500 with a little more relaxed timeings?