Help Me Script This Task in Bash


Loves the juice
Sep 25, 2002
Every week, I deploy updates to our web server / developer portal running JBoss on CentOS 6.5. The .war file updates for the web portal are developed by our engineering team and it's my task as a System Administrator to do the following:


service jboss stop
cp /usr/local/tmp/deploy/web-3.0-XXXXX.war /usr/local/jboss/standalone/deployments/web-3.0.war
service jboss start

^Above^ are the '3' commands I manually run in Bash. The 'web-3.0-XXXXX.war' file is the highest revision / number / release in the /.../deploy/ directory. What I am looking for is for someone to please help me automate these simple commands for this task in #!/bin/bash. I have never written a script and don't intend to sound / look lazy but I am currently reading UNIX Shell Scripting 2nd Edition. I would need the scripts to execute the following commands in order w/ the variables defined above and the cp command needs to sort the *.war files in order to locate the latest build or sort from the newest time stamp on the file listing and copy that file into the $TARGET_DIR as 'web-3.0.war'.

I would greatly appreciate seeing how people who know anything more about scripting would write something like this in Bash. I know there are several different ways in *NIX to achieve the same goal but I really would love assistance in this.
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Wouldn't it be easier to have the latest .war file be in its own directory inside of /usr/local/tmp/deploy, such as /usr/local/tmp/deploy/latest, rotate the .war file that was in there previously and insert the latest, then just cp web-3.0-*.war ?

This is just quick&dirty of course, there are better ways to do it, just thought I'd offer that idea.
I don't know what would be easier as I caveat my post above w/ "I have never written a scipt..." however that being said, since I am automating this task, I think having a:


and staging only a single new buld in /.../latest/ is ideal for avoiding scipt-snafu by sorting and electing the wrong .war file for whatever reason.

Thanks for the suggestion. Still appreciate examples of how I would write something like this in .sh script.
I have a very large script that does deploys to many tomcat and jboss servers, i ripped out a small piece that should cover what you are looking for. I sanitized it a bit so there may be typos, and we ssh from a master server to transfer files around, but you could really do this with a one-liner.


scp path/to/filename.war $destJbossServer:/var/tmp/
echo Copied filename.war from staging to to $destJbossServer
ssh $destJbossServer "/etc/init.d/jboss stop && mv /var/tmp/filename.war $destFile && md5sum $destFile && /etc/init.d/jboss cleanstart"
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This is off the top of my head and is untested.



latest_file=`ls -t ${staging_dir}/web-3.0-*.war | head -1`

service jboss stop
cp ${staging_dir}/${latest_file} ${target_dir}/web-3.0.war
service jboss start

That should get you started at least.
This is off the top of my head and is untested.



latest_file=`ls -t ${staging_dir}/web-3.0-*.war | head -1`

service jboss stop
cp ${staging_dir}/${latest_file} ${target_dir}/web-3.0.war
service jboss start

That should get you started at least.

If the XXXXX versioning scheme is a simple sortable incrementing number/letter scheme, this works for version sorting vs timestamp sorting:

latest_file=`ls web-3.0*.war | sort -r | head -n 1`