help me set up a small linux server pls!!!


Sep 22, 2000
Hello there,

I'm currently trying to set up a simple, elegant network solution for the company I work in (only 4 computers and a cable modem connection). We basically need a single box to handle:

-NAT so all machines can get online,
-File sharing for a centralized file storage area
-Web hosting for development purposes (PHP and MySQL required)
-Printer sharing

Since we don't reaaaaaally need this server, but I believe it will make life easier in the long term, I need to find a very low cost solution to this, so I am putting in an old PC (P3 866, 512mb RAM, 2 NICs), and would really prefer to use Linux as the OS, to reduce costs and improve stability.

Over the past two days I've been racking my brains trying to figure out how to use Fedora Core 1 , a spinoff of redhat, since I already had it downloaded to use on my personal PC. Needless to say, my very basic Linux skills aen't really up to the task of modifying the kernel to accomodate IP masquerading, and I would really like a simpler solution. I know I could use Freesco, but as far as I know that only handles router jobs, and no file/printer sharing or web hosting...

So if anyone knows of a linux distro that does exactly what I need out of the box, or can point me to straightforward solutions using the distribution I already have, then I would be very grateful :D


Also SME Server. It's a linux distro version of Microsofts Small Business Server. It will give you what you are looking for and then some. Gives you plenty of room to grow.
for a free solution, try smoothwall. I like the ability to customize everything. also if you know perl, you can enhancements to the GUI
Originally posted by Copper0
for a free solution, try smoothwall. I like the ability to customize everything. also if you know perl, you can enhancements to the GUI

Smoothwall is only a firewall appliance. It looks like he's looking from more than just a firewall.