Help me spend my Tax Refund


Jun 24, 2005
So every year i get a large tax refund and i have a tradition of spending it all on ME as a reward for my hard work the past year (no im not married so i still get to buy toys :p ) 2 years ago i spent it on a Opteron 170 (still love my Opty) and a Acer AL2032WA 20" Widescreen monitor which i still think is an amazing monitor. Last year i bought a Westinghouse LTV-40W1 HDC 40" TV. Now this year i am getting older and should start to put some money away so ive decided to save most of the refund and spend the rest on something for my computer. I could think of 3 things to spend the rest on a laptop (dont really have a big use for one) a new(er) video card (would rather wait till next generation) and a bigger monitor (bigger is always better right?)

So I'm a gamer and a hobby graphic designer and this is what im looking for in a monitor - at least 24" it needs to have at least a DVI and VGA connection, good colors, no ghosting, a glossy screen would be a plus my Acer had it and i love its colors and clarity and i didn't have any problems with reflections. My budget is $500-600. Ive seen a Gateway FHD2400 at best buy and it looked really good other than a dead pixel (do you know what gateways dead pixel policy is) and some backlight bleed they also had a HP W2408H but i was less impressed with it despite its listed higher specs. Ive also been looking into the Soyo 24DYLM24D6 mainly for the price. Suggestions comments on the models ive been looking at so far? Or any other models youd suggest?
I am in the same situation and after going to Best Buy I saw the 22" and 24" Gateway's and they look great. I do alot of gaming and I still can't decide either.
I think the HP has a TN panel, same as the Gateway FHD2400. Do you game more than graphics design? Is it a hobby or do you make some money out of it? If so, you might look at S-IPS panels for their color reproduction and accuracy.
I game much more than i do design and i dont make any money on it. But id still like to have good color in my price range if possible.