Help! New 3500+ (90nm) and MSI Neo2 Plat rev. 1 won't boot


Limp Gawd
Jan 29, 2001
Just got an A64 3500+ (939 pin / 90nm) + MSI K8N Neo2 Plat and when I turned it on the fan on the CPU and Video card do not spin. The LED indicators say the processor is incorrectly installed. Examining the CPU shows no issues (how do you install a ZIF socket cpu incorrectly?). This probably my 20th system I've built dating back to the 386 days, so I'm pretty confident the CPU is in the socket correctly. Any ideas? Could this be the Winchester / Bios issue -- where the chip is too new for this rev board? Any else get this combo to work? Thanks for your help.

Maybe the motherboard's bios doesn't like 90nm chips? Does it have the latest bios?
I figured it out. Basically I am a dumbass.

The power supply I have is an Enermax 550 EPS (for Dual Xeon systems) and you have to hook an adapter on it for standard ATX power with the 4 pin plug for AMD compatibility. I hooked the standard ATX adapter on, BUT did not realize you need to hook BOTH the 6 pin power plug AND the longer power connector, so the mb was not getting the correct power. Once I plugged the 6 pin into the appropriate plug viola' it worked. Sucks being stupid, but hey I figured it out. Thanks everyone.