Help - New Motherboard Selection


Jan 5, 2007
Hello everyone,

I'm buying my first new computer since like 2001-02. Going to go with the e8400, fancy HS/fan, 4gb RAM (don't know the speed yet), and an 8800GTS.

I will not be doing a full upgrade again for a very long time.

My question is: In about a year+ I may decide to upgrade the cpu to a 45nm quad core cpu. I want a motherboard that can support these chips that are not out yet. Which chipset will support the 45nm quad core cpus?

Thanks for the fast reply.

Sweet! I didn't know that all those chipsets would support the quadcore 45nm chips.

I want pci-e 2.0 so I'm thinking of going with the x38.
Thanks for the fast reply.

Sweet! I didn't know that all those chipsets would support the quadcore 45nm chips.

I want pci-e 2.0 so I'm thinking of going with the x38.
if there is a motherboard you want to check supports 45nm, check the product webpage. (there is a link on newegg product pages).
you wont be able to upgrade in a year due to fact that the new micro architechure CPUs codename : Nahelam will be using LGA 1336(lol) and rendering 775 useless for upgrading

but you will be able to get wolfdale and penryn 45nm cpus on LGA775 with a simple Bios update
If youre set on the 8800GTS make sure you get the 512MB (G92) version and not the 320MB or 640MB versions. If you want cheaper than that get the 8800GT.