Help: Prime 95 crashing computer at low temperatures

Sep 10, 2005
Hey all,

Having some trouble with a new machine (Core 2 Duo E2160, Abit IP-35 Pro, Geil 2GB DDR800) . I'm running Prime95 blend test over both cores, temperatures hovering around 42/43 centigrade, and yet it will crash the system around 15 minutes in. The whole thing just reboots. Any idea what could be causing this?
MMmmm, it was running stock, on a Corsair VX450, so the power supply ought to be up to the task. I'm not actually able to overclock the board, I can set different values for the FSB in the BIOS, but it doesn't change the CPU. Just having lots of problems with this new build! Thanks for the suggestions all.
1 hour of memtest doesn't guarantee complete stability

rebooting and blue screens usually are signs of bad memory, system locking and core failure during prime is cpu related.

if overclocking, bring up v core, if memory is out of spec, loosen timings, bring up vdimm or bring within fsb/timing/voltage spec via ram ratio.