Help setting Vonage Firewall


Jul 6, 2004
This is the first time that I have to deal with firewalls at all and am trying to understand mine to make sure that is working and doing its job. Can anyone give some advice in regardas to the settings? Is a Linksys RTP300.

I was trying to get screen shots of my Vonage router but I couldn't. But on my security setting under firewall all of the options are unchecked which are:
Filter Proxy
Filter Java Applets
Filter Cookies
Filter Active X
Oh come on somebody must have an idea on how to config a firewall, there have to be like a standard on this things. At least an idea on what to block and what not to block. I checked the Linksys web-site and can't find anything related to this router, I don't know if it is because is made for Vonage and also Vonage doesn't have anything in regards to this at least I have not seen anything. Trust me guys I've looked I just can't find anything that will give me a good idea in what to do. Come on guys at least one comment :D now be nice ;)
The short answer is "it depends". By default, most firewalls blocks all inbound traffic. However, most consumer devices fail to block outgoing traffic.

What traffic are you trying to permit exactly (TCP/UDP & port), and in which direction?