Help this guy become a switcher

19, and working full time as well as full course load at college, he has to support his family

i've spoken with him on AIM, he's nice enough. very grateful even tho after paypal fees all he got was 67 cents out of me haha

it's money i won't be spending on my daily red bull :cool:
anyone that makes a website w/ youtube photos all over the place obviouslly has a) a decent digital camera which costs money b) a decent camcoder c) a decent computer

so hes got money to buy his own imac i dont care what the tool says, guys just lookin for a hand out.

and theres your scam he just wants free stuff

fsck him
Tell me... Why would I want more people to use Macs? I'm quite happy with the 3% market share. Fewer users = no malware. Being in a niche has its advantages, you know. ;)
haha good point. eh it's one dollar i didn't spend on something not healthy for me so i don't mind

he's being cool about all the hate mail he's getting too. i know i'm one mean mofo and if anyone wanted to talk smack there would be an argument.
College students begging for money on blogs is the new rage. Whether you call it a scam or not, its simply people asking for free handouts. The method they use though determines their character and if its a scam. Hell, I could put up a blog, claim I got sued by the RIAA for $XX thousands or millions of dollars. Guess what, I'd probably walk away with a good chunk of change. That would be a scam.
I'm going to start a blog asking for money.

The basis?

Give me money because I don't want to spend my own.

Think it'll work?
KaosDG said:
I'm going to start a blog asking for money.

The basis?

Give me money because I don't want to spend my own.

Think it'll work?

Attract enough attention, and it will. People don't mind donating half a buck "just for the hell of it," it seems.

Hell, I could put up a blog, claim I got sued by the RIAA for $XX thousands or millions of dollars. Guess what, I'd probably walk away with a good chunk of change. That would be a scam.
The problem with that is that the RIAA might sue you for libel when they find out about it. ;)
BBowermaster said:
College students begging for money on blogs is the new rage.

No kidding, what is up with this? I saw something not too long ago where a guy caught a mouse or something in his house or on his farm or some crap, and he threatened to eat the thing if he didn't raise a whole bunch of money, so people donated so he wouldn't kill the thing and he actually ended up raising like a couple thousand bucks. I've also seen numerous retarded blogs with kids trying to be "sponsored" to go to college, crap like that.
Black Morty Rackham said:
Tell me... Why would I want more people to use Macs? I'm quite happy with the 3% market share. Fewer users = no malware. Being in a niche has its advantages, you know. ;)

no theres no malware because its actually not that easy at all to inject something into the microkernel.

way to know your mac :rolleyes:

if you want something with low marketshare that has a ton of eliteists for zero reason, go buy an amiga dude
emailthatguy said:
if you want something with low marketshare that has a ton of eliteists for zero reason, go buy an amiga dude
I would, but NewTek stopped developing Lightwave for it. :(
emailthatguy said:
go buy an Amiga dude
Not to drag this off topic, but is Amiga still around? Last I heard they had been bought out and wiped off the face of the Earth.

If that’s true, it’s the biggest comeback since S3 Graphics decided to bubble back to the surface in the midrange market (What’s next, the return of 3Dfx?).
It's a camera, not a camcorder.

almost any digital camera out now does 3 minute video clips

i asked him about that
KillDFurby said:
i think you guys are just jealous you haven't thought of this first :)

Hardly. Internet begging started around the same time as blogging. College students do it constantly. You'll find thousands of "I'm a poor college student who barely makes it, I pay all my bills, blah blah blah, any little bit counts." It just only recently has been publicized with the whole "I'm going to eat this bunny unless I get xxx dollars" coverage and the "Give me money so I can buy and smash [insert ipod, ps3, xbox360,etc] in front of [store employee, waiting line, etc]" idiot. Its even been mentioned on several news stations.
BBowermaster said:
Hardly. Internet begging started around the same time as blogging. College students do it constantly. You'll find thousands of "I'm a poor college student who barely makes it, I pay all my bills, blah blah blah, any little bit counts." It just only recently has been publicized with the whole "I'm going to eat this bunny unless I get xxx dollars" coverage and the "Give me money so I can buy and smash [insert ipod, ps3, xbox360,etc] in front of [store employee, waiting line, etc]" idiot. Its even been mentioned on several news stations.

oh man i love that kid, he got banned from his local mall for a year now, for smashing a nano now
i think what pisses me off so much about this is its obvious that this guy doesnt need the money. hes got the knowhow to post his own blog. obviouslly could afford a decent digital camera etc.. also seems like he has nice clothes, yet enough idiots thought he needed money cause he has the ability to whine about it in times new roman on his blog.

if people had sense theyd try to help the people that cant blog, have shitty clothing, no digital camera buy food when they havent eaten anything for a couple of days or have to resort to getting their clothing out of a dumpster.

just walk a mile in your town, anywhere in this country, chances are youll see someone that REALLY needs help. More helpful than some dude that WANTS an iMac. But then again, you all dont like to think about those people do you.
so what is the right and wrong charity to donate to? are you pious enough to decided that? am i?

you have an opinion, so do other people, apperently people like him enough otherwise he wouldn't have made so much, so ...

hey i'm not going to donate to him, and i have my reasons for that, i just pointed out this blog.
Sorry to bump up an old thread.. but just an update.

Speaking about Stefan, I guess there are some people who don’t know who he was. Well, he was this guy from Texas, who actually copied the idea from, he started a blog called Make Me Switch in which he asked for donations to get an iMac, after less than a month he earned more than $2,500, most of this money (+$1000) was donated by a guy named Vince, after he got the Mac he stop posting on the blog, after like a month he posted his last video, where he showed her real personality, her turned out to be a complete asshole, bitching about the Mac, cursing everything and bragging that he got the Mac completely free. After that he received a lot of negative comments, and he decided to close his blog and forget about the nice people who donate to him, without even an explanation or a goodbye. I “borrowed” the idea from him and I also took advantage of him closing the blog by creating a new one with the same address, sorry if this made mad anyone but I had to do something to get people to see my blog.

Apparently he sold the iMac on Macrumors and pocketed the money, probably towards a new Wintel machine.

No surprise.
sdilley14 said:
No kidding, what is up with this? I saw something not too long ago where a guy caught a mouse or something in his house or on his farm or some crap, and he threatened to eat the thing if he didn't raise a whole bunch of money, so people donated so he wouldn't kill the thing and he actually ended up raising like a couple thousand bucks. I've also seen numerous retarded blogs with kids trying to be "sponsored" to go to college, crap like that.
i remember that, it was actually kinda funny, not that im for animal cruelity, but it was just hilarious to see he got people to pay for the mouse's life.
Maybe i should start a donate me money blog, i too want a macbookpro.