HELP with a Broken Raid 1 Array


Jun 7, 2001
I've had 4 40gb Maxtor Diamond 8 disks running in Raid 1 on a Promise Fasttrak TX4 card. (Windows 2000 Server, Abit IS7, 2 GB ram.)

About a year ago, a drive failed so I replaced it with , rebuilt the array and had no problems.

Yesterday, another drive failed. So I replaced that one with another Maxtor 40gb drive.

I thought I could just rebuld the array, like last time and I'd be in good shape. However, the Fasttrak bios shows the other 3 drives as being OFFLINE and the new one as FREE. It won't let me rebuild the array. I get the error message "Recovery is not applicable".

Besides the obvious question on what to do next :D, how can I retrieve the info on the OFFLINE drives?

Thanks in advance...


(FWIW- Semi newbie with Raid.)
Wow I talk this up a bit - R-Studio allows you to build a virtual raid, and recover. PM if you need any help.