Help with a sff beastie


Jan 6, 2010
OK, first things first, heres the hardware list to start with

i7 920
asus rampage ii gene
tt lanbox (its got the side windows... tbh i wouldv rathered it without them as its a pain to tidy cables in a case this small!!!)
1 burner
1 hdd (wanting to add 2 ssd's when i get that far)
msi radeon 5870, got a matching card arriving for it next week (crossfire here we come!)
enermax rev85 1250watt (yes iv got 240v power)

iv had to take the angle grinder to part of the case to make the 5870 fit but its nothing major and its only 'destroyed' a 3.5" external bay that i wasnt using anyway so its of little concern to me

Now the issue i have right now is that at 3.26ghz on this chip with the stock cooler (155*21, 1.21v, there aint much room for a true sadly) is showing 93c in real temp under load using setiathome (all cores active ht active), water cooling seems like the only option to keep this beastie stable on a faster oc and with warmer weather (currently not running the system under any heavy loads without the air conditioning running just to be safe), my question to you guys is this, if i want to water cool the cpu and both gpu's, what sort of a setup am i likely going to need to handle dumping what will no doubt be 400-500watts+ of heat out of a radiator etc while gaming while still being quiet and small

the top of the case has a nice little section that i could cut out and hack around a bit with and put a 2x120mm radiator setup on it but would that with 'quiet' fans be enough to handle that much heat?

and yes, i purposely wanted a sff beast that ran quiet and did this on purpose, just didnt expect that freaking i7 to be quiet as toasty that easily!!!

if pictures will make anything easier just mention what you want to see and ill find a way to take them :) cant wait for next thur... radeon is currently out of stock but thursday it will arrive at my doorstep :p
With your case I would do what I did for my Antec 902, except on the top. IMO it would look pretty bad ass.

Not sure if yours has the handle or not...?

Looks like you would have to do some modding to the back of the case as well. I would suggest putting the tubing through the top left.

Looks like it's going to be pretty cramped. To save space I would get a "T" Connector and a Fillport, instead of a reservoir. With the Fillport you can cut a hole in the top of the case and screw it in. Once it is screwed in the top of it of comes off and you can fill it up.

For my build I put the two Triple rads on mostly for looks. One rad on the side of the case looked silly to me. :D Two would probably be necessary for two 5870 and OC'd i7 920 in an confined space. I would use these rad's, cheap and will work good. Black Ice Pro III

I would get the Enzotech Sapphire CPU Block however I'm not sure if 3/8 OD tubing/barbs will fit. This block will however, GTZ .

The pump will need to be slightly low profile to help with space. The MCP355 is smaller. I wouldn't get one of the pumps with the reservoir built into them. They be more of a pain to fill, due to space. It would probably be harder to bleed because it's not going to be at the highest point for the air to move. So T-Line setup as mentioned before would be the best bet IMO. 3/8 OD

5870 Gpu Block. Should be enough room for Crossfire. You will need two, remember. Not sure about warranties for the cards you bought/getting. I would make sure they work and don't have any defects before you take the cooler and everything off. 3/8 OD fitting.

3/8 OD Tubing. Everything listed is 3/8 OD. 3/8 OD tubing is smaller to help with space issues ;). If you plan on coloring the coolant, or buying pre colored coolant, don't. It will gum up your loop. The best bet is to get colored tubing, and usea clear coolant. Make sure it's the right size.

For the coolant use distilled water, and PT Nuke or a little of anti freeze (not sure how much lol :D)

So good luck man.
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haha that there be my little baby, emphasis on little, surprisingly good at handling hardware with its stock cooling though for its size, but oc'n... yikes it can get toasty in there without the room to fit a true!

no handle on it, no, i was thinking of a 240 rad where the holes on the top above the psu are, was hoping a 360 rad wasnt required, im a water cooling n00b as far as knowing what specs are needed but 750watts (i THINK thats leaving plenty of room to accound for oc + ov?) is around 2600btu if i remember what i calc'd earlier and that rad is rated at 6875 BTU per hour according to the features page, is there a rule of thumb for how overkill to go on that or ? would say be suitable?

would say with the res option be a better choice than the fillport? yea its going to be cramped but thats half the fun, make a beast out of what looks like nothing from the outside ;)

you can see at the front of the case where it has the 3.5" floppy bay there, to fit the 5870's iv had to take an angle grinder to that little bit of metal that sticks down there so i have a bit of space available there to mount a pump there and would... ug be somewhat painful to fill but the case is quite modular in regards to being able to pull just the drive bays out... thoughts?

up on the back on the top right in that image where you see the U shape in the honeycomb area is actually meant for water cooling tubes to run through it, somewhere here i still have the nice little plastic anti slice ur tube to bits piece to fit it, so it seems the logical place to put it unless i route it down via the top of the case as well

blahblahblah warranty is already void lol neeeeeeext :) yea they have been tested with no issues and well... if i torch em... WEI*YFAHW#(%&R thatll be expensive lol

coloring - BAH! i want function not look haha well ok waterblocks on cf 5870's would look cool :)

omg i love chrome right now, i got this far into the post and the system reset on its own due to me testing new oc settings... dammm i wouldv hated to lose that

btw, i find your 'style' with the dual 360 rads quite amusing :) very nicely overkill lol (first time i looked at your rig just then)

bah, 2am, need another coffee and to yell at this thing some more until it stops crashing on me.... come on you bastard, you are ALMOST stable at 3.6ghz atm on your stock cooler, i know you can do it! haha ill revisit the thread in the morning and see if this post made sense or not and go from there on it all :) honestly, price isnt a major concern for me, reliability is, as is having something that doesnt look out of place with this little beastie

also im not terribly objectionable to removing the internal burner for extra space and using an esata burner instead if its required

and that dammed rev85 psu is quite long compared to a normal psu, makes it a lot harder to clean those cables up ill give it that much!
Not sure on the specs of the pump. Not 100% if it will be able to push through 3 cooling blocks, and a rad or 2. You could go with the res add on. The T-line would defiantly save space and easiest for filling. Essentially the same thing for a little, which I know money may not be a problem, but saving a few bucks is never a bad thing :D

You will need more then one 240 rad. 240 rad would work just for the CPU, but not for two 5870's. Two double's would work, however they are around the same price as the triples and cool less. Just curious, why don't you want a 360mm rad?

Hey, if you have the side window, no reason why you can't show off a little. :p

btw, i find your 'style' with the dual 360 rads quite amusing very nicely overkill lol
lol. Thanks :D

Also if you do put the rad's on the top, bleeding may be a little more difficult because the rad's will be at the highest point. So you will need to turn the case on it's side and have the res or T-Line (would be the easiest in this scenario) higher.

I forgot to add fan's to the list. I used 88CFM Yate Loons. They are loud, when 6 of them combined are on the outside of the case. If you wanted quiet but good fans, maybe take a look at Scythe Slipstream fans.
dont you DARE say dual loop LOL

true enough, i already coughed up for a pair of freaking 5870's though so right now im more about doing it right than i am about zomg another 50 bucks down the drain (still gotta get 12gig of dominator gt's yet... gah)

hmmmm after taking a bit to think about it i now realize you meant give my case 'wings' and put a 360 rad on the side, well, its big enough so i guess thats an option, effectively im trying not to go dual rad, end of story, and the reason i was preferencing the 240 over the 360 was it should go nicely with the case layout without doing any 'painful' mods to the case to get it mounted right (its just hacking up the top cover, easy done)

the reason i dont want dual rad is partly flow rate restriction, partly it just seems so insanely overkill, ok, granted, an i7 920 oc'd to hell and a pair of 5870's aint a small heat load but to me it seems like a dual 360 rad setup is just nuts, but, iv never done any wc setups before, i had contemplated the corsair h50 for all of 2minutes then realized why am i bothering even considering this tiny little thing when iv got beasts of gpu's in there that could certainly do with getting wet as well, hence the rethink and the trying to work out an alternative here

i REALLY wish i could still get ahold of those damm panaflo 120mm h1a's i used to get locally, only got 1 left now, those things are AWESOME

i get your point about the highest point for bleeding/filling, yea, i hadnt considered that one properly and your right that it would be a pain to do otherwise

fwiw i seem to have 3.6ghz at 1.137v stable on the stock intel hsf running setiathome on all cores + ht on... hits the 92->94c mark according to real temp... makes me want to know what the little beastie can do on a nice water rig if it can pull that off at that temp!

i really have to say, theres a distinct lack of love out there for sff lga1366 setups so far, i couldnt even find any half decent 1366 friendly air cooling setups that looked like they would be even remotely better than the stock hsf... :(
Just giving it a glance, do you really need a power supply that big/powerful in that small of a box. I'm pretty sure you can make due with a smaller, less powerful unit. I have the same PS but for something that big going into that small box, but eh, just my opinion.
Just giving it a glance, do you really need a power supply that big/powerful in that small of a box. I'm pretty sure you can make due with a smaller, less powerful unit. I have the same PS but for something that big going into that small box, but eh, just my opinion.

oh im well aware just how overkill it is, originally i was intending to put it into my other box which was meant to get an upgrade before this one, but thanks to the mess that is server motherboards (extended eatx? WTF!~) it now means that i have this psu 'handy' so it might as well go where im going to be sapping at it with the gpu's pretty heavily, i have a modu82 625watt in a box beside me here as well but thatll probably end up going in another server out in the other room once i sort it out, the 625 already runs an i7 860 and 12 hdd's, that box is to be going a dual xeon e5520 shortly

oh and for the record, when i purchased it, it was only 50 bucks more than the 850watt... shrug i thought it was going to feed a dual xeon with 12 hdd's so i figured it was worth it... live and learn, either way i love it, its SILENT even when iv got this thing cranking
hmmmmm, now this just confuses me more hahaha submitted the form on the dd website and got recommended this setup....

2 x DD Summit
CrossSLI fitting package
CPX Pro 12v pump
Black Ice SR1 240 radiator
2 x Yateloon Low Speed Fans
T and Brass Plug for the Fill Line
Bottle of Feser One fluid
7 feet of 3/8" tubing
Arctic Silver Ceramique
11 Hose Clamps

thoughts? would certainly be quiet lol
Not enough rad to keep OC'd i7, and 2 5870's cool.

yea iv done some more reading since posting that and it looks like i really do need dual triple rads to run it, dammit lol

gonna come up with a list of parts and post it and see what anyone who's readin this thread thinks and go from there, im actually tempted to do dual loop (dual rad for cpu, triple for gpus)

gah, the effort lol