Help with computer building!


Feb 1, 2006
Hi everyone, I have longtime lurker on and the forums and I decided to join. I have a couple questions, since I have never built my own computer before, I was wondering how this AMD rig sounds to you guys, since I only have $1200.00.

AMD 64 3500+ Venice
XFX 7800GT 256MB
1GB PC3200

Should I wait for the new AMD processor I have heard about, and will it be a signifigent enough performance increase to wait for it? Also, any suggestions you might have on how to make this rig better would be greatly appreciated!

I think you should get what you've speced out. No one is really sure when the new chips are coming out, plus theres always new technology coming out.
discochan said:
I think you should get what you've speced out. No one is really sure when the new chips are coming out, plus theres always new technology coming out.
if you could...try to go dual core.

Nice choices, looks like a pretty solid PC. Looks like your laptop has better specs...well excluding graphics power :p

I'd reccomend a PC Power and Cooling for the power supply. Or there's HIPER 580 Watts Sli for under $150 that are nice.

Might I also reccomend you move up to the 3700+, to double your L2 Cache?
The case comes with a 500W power supply so that'll be fine, and thanks for the input guys. And also I might just take the 4000+ out of my lappy and switch it with the 3500. :)
falcon6268 said:
The case comes with a 500W power supply so that'll be fine, and thanks for the input guys. And also I might just take the 4000+ out of my lappy and switch it with the 3500. :)
I wouldnt trust a PSU that came with a case for a second. Would suck to have your 1200 dollar rig killed by a crappy power supply, when 80 bucks spent on a quality PSU would have prevented it.

Theres a 400 Wat Enermax Liberty for $90 I think at Newegg. Those are GREAT PSU's, SLi ready, Modular, sleeved......

Just a thought...
L2 cache is not an important thing for gaming. So if that is the only reason why you would upgrade to it...don't do it. Price/Performance ratio the 3500+ is better than the 3700+

-(Xyphox)- said:
A Dual core chip is his budget alone... :p

Yeah it is. :eek: A dual core might be a future upgrade for me though. :) And yes I have heard good things about the Antec power supplies so I will probably get one of those too. :cool:

Thanks for the feedback.
falcon6268 said:
Yeah it is. :eek: A dual core might be a future upgrade for me though. :) And yes I have heard good things about the Antec power supplies so I will probably get one of those too. :cool:

Thanks for the feedback.
no problem :D
falcon6268 said:
The case comes with a 500W power supply so that'll be fine...

Good joke there.

All seriousness, get a PSU, most case powersupplys are of poor quality, would suck to fry your $1000 of stuff on a 30$ PSU when you could have payed just another 30 for a good quality one.

For futher reading:
Aspire is not a brand I would trust, and its on the do not buy list in the sticky at the top of the PSU forums.
Post pics of that case...

Thats the case Im going to get for my new rig also!

That stuff about PSUs is no joke, a low quality PSU can damage you're highend parts, and if you ask about aspire in the PSU forums they'll tell you better than I about there quality. Read the thread I linked, its a lot of good information on Power Supplies