Help with first buiild (Asus A8N-SLI Prem.


Limp Gawd
Jun 3, 2004
I'm building my first PC and I need a little help understanding a few things on this Asus A8N-SLI Prem MB. Thanks!

1. I'm only using one Video card (EVGA 7800) so do I connect a power plug to the card or do I just put the video card in the slot and that's it? (No other connections to the card?)

2. Where is the Chassis fan? I see the connector for it on the MB but I don't see a fan or the male plug that would plug into it.

3. I have a CoolMaster case and it has that front panel USB but I'm not sure if I can use it with this board or not, anyone have this setup that can tell me if it will work or not?

4. How important is the Chassis intrusion? I've never seen it before on my other computers, should I set this up or not use it?

I guess that's it until I start it up and see if it works or not. I have a feeling I'll be back. lol


Kathy said:
I'm building my first PC and I need a little help understanding a few things on this Asus A8N-SLI Prem MB. Thanks!

1. I'm only using one Video card (EVGA 7800) so do I connect a power plug to the card or do I just put the video card in the slot and that's it? (No other connections to the card?)

2. Where is the Chassis fan? I see the connector for it on the MB but I don't see a fan or the male plug that would plug into it.

3. I have a CoolMaster case and it has that front panel USB but I'm not sure if I can use it with this board or not, anyone have this setup that can tell me if it will work or not?

4. How important is the Chassis intrusion? I've never seen it before on my other computers, should I set this up or not use it?

I guess that's it until I start it up and see if it works or not. I have a feeling I'll be back. lol



1.) Yes, if the card has a power connector, you have to supply it with power, howver you do not need to plug anything in the power connector just north of the first PCI-E slot.

2.) Not sure what your asking here. As you saying your fans don't match the connector on your MB? If so, then they are 4 pin connecrs correct, like the asme thing a hard drive would use? Just plug the fans directly to your PSU and you will be fine. The only advantage to having three pin fans and hooking them to your MB is to monitor there RPM.

3.) Which coolermaster case? I guess it doesnt really matter, USB is a standardized thing, so there is no reason why it would not work.

4.) Definatly not sure what you mean here.... care to explain more?
1.) Plug a 4 pin molex into the card for power. Make sure it is not a "fan only" molex.

2.) Chassis fan means case fan. If you have on that plugs into a 3pin connector then you might as well plug it in. Other wise justs use the normal power supply adapters.

3.) There are plugs for the USB somewhere on the mobo, find them and plug in that front USB.

4.) This seems to be some sort of security device. I can't find out other info, but it must be some sort of wire leading to the case that says if its opened or not. Check your owners manual for more info.
Thanks Viper87227!

1. OK, I'll use the power plug on the Video card.

2. lol. I'm so stupid, I thought it was some sort of fan on the MB. But anyway, I don't have that type of little connector so I'll use the big ones from the power supply like you said. Can I buy adapters that will fit these? Guess it would be nice to monitor the fan speed,hey?

3. I'm not sure of the case model, my Dad bought it about a years ago and never used it. The reason I asked is because in the book it says to make sure it's wired the same as the MB or it will fry the system. :(

4. Sorry I wasn't more clear about the Chassis Intrusion, It has something to do with a sensor that detects when a component is removed, not sure why I would need to know this?

Hope that helps?

ninethreeeleven said:
1.) Plug a 4 pin molex into the card for power. Make sure it is not a "fan only" molex.

2.) Chassis fan means case fan. If you have on that plugs into a 3pin connector then you might as well plug it in. Other wise justs use the normal power supply adapters.

3.) There are plugs for the USB somewhere on the mobo, find them and plug in that front USB.

4.) This seems to be some sort of security device. I can't find out other info, but it must be some sort of wire leading to the case that says if its opened or not. Check your owners manual for more info.

1.) There wont be an issue there. PCI-E uses a 6-pin connector.

2.) Correct...pretty much what I said.

3.) They are at the very bottem of the board. I think what the poster is asking is if the ones on the case will fit on the board. I see no reason why not, but having never had a CM case I cannot be certain..

4.) What exactly is this? Is it something on the case? I am not sure what either of you are talking about on this...

Kathy said:
Thanks Viper87227!

1. OK, I'll use the power plug on the Video card.

2. lol. I'm so stupid, I thought it was some sort of fan on the MB. But anyway, I don't have that type of little connector so I'll use the big ones from the power supply like you said. Can I buy adapters that will fit these? Guess it would be nice to monitor the fan speed,hey?

3. I'm not sure of the case model, my Dad bought it about a years ago and never used it. The reason I asked is because in the book it says to make sure it's wired the same as the MB or it will fry the system.

4. Sorry I wasn't more clear about the Chassis Intrusion, It has something to do with a sensor that detects when a component is removed, not sure why I would need to know this?

Hope that helps?


as far as I know there is adapters, but its probably not worth it. Monitoring the fans wont change anything, and you need a fan controller to actually adjust the speed, so it just seems kinda pointless. More wires...

I have never heard of a system frying due to USB plugs being hooked up incorrectly. Just look in the MB's manual, and it shows where the USB plugs are. You will see them at the very bottem of your board, the blue headers underneath the last PCI slot. Just make sure your cases connector matches that. In your manual is a diagram showing what each pin in, which is probbaly also printed on the connector coming form your case. Just make sure they all match up and your good to go.

Still not sure aobut the chasis intrusion thing.... seems kinda pointless. I can see where the idea might have been to keep parts from getting jacked at a lan party, but I wouldnt think that happens to ofter ;) (or perhaps I am still missing the whole chasis intrusion thing, it just doesnt make sence to me)
ninethreeeleven, sorry I missed your post! Thank you for that information, I appreciate the help!

Viper87227, appreciate the help and I'm not going to worry about the Intrusion thingy for now. I found the right power plug for the Video card (duh) didn't even see it was different then the normal power plugs.

The USB plug (cable) on the case is covered in a hard plastic so I can see how it's wired, I'll just give it try.

Thanks guys for your help, I really do appreciate it!
