Help with handbrake and bluray subtitles in a m4v file


Ravenufo's Macs
Feb 28, 2001
I am trying to get the extended version of Avatar bluray onto my wife's iPad in the m4v file format. I used ClownBD to get the .sup files and then used SupRip to create a .srt file that could be imported into Handbrake. However, the resulting m4v file still does not have the subtitles inserted. I've tried several times.

Does anyone have any suggestions or tips?
I had the same problem when I started to convert my bluray collection. I believe I read somewhere that handbrake doesn't yet support subtitles for bluray movies when trying to convert them to m4v/mp4 formats. They do work for mkv format, but like you, I wanted them on my iPad, and the mkv container is useless for that purpose. I did find a work around, but it is quite time consuming so depends on how badly you want the movie (and any others with subtitles) on your iPad...if you haven't already found a solution I'd be happy to post a little how-to if you need it.