Help with new build error: CPU mismatch detected!


Apr 2, 2003
Well, I was stoked about upgrading my two 2212 to two 8354, but the upgrade is not going smoothly.

I am able to boot and run fine with a single CPU, but using both CPUs, I get a "CPU mismatch detected!" error.

Both CPU have the same stepping (B3), but I see a difference in the second line marking that is on the CPUs.

CPU 1 is marked as follow:

CPU 2 is marked as follow:

From what I have been able to gather so far, there might be a slight voltage difference between the two chips, which is causing this.
My mobo does not allow me to change the voltage outside of increasing the default by 100mV.

Is there any mode I can make to the chips or mobo to make it work?

I wish i knew the answer to this question.
Most of my experience is with Intel Processors, not AMD.
This sections is a little slow so maybe someone will see your post and know the correct solution.

Check out forum. I have used them as well to find information.
I wish i knew the answer to this question.
Most of my experience is with Intel Processors, not AMD.
This sections is a little slow so maybe someone will see your post and know the correct solution.

Check out forum. I have used them as well to find information.

Yeah, I also posted there.
I got the following answer:
The only marking that *should* cause a CPU mismatch error if it differs is the OPN, which is the longest string of numbers at the top (the one that starts with "OS.") Your OPNs are the same, so the CPUs are the same model and stepping and should work perfectly together.

The parts under the OPN are the batch code (it's GAAAB AA on both chips) and the date code, which you have bolded. Those two have nothing to do with CPU compatibility but tell you what batch your particular CPU came from and when it was made. Some people are interested in these as certain batches are known to be better overclockers than others, or they are just curious to see when their CPU was made. AMD probably uses these for QC and warranty purposes since they'd like to know if there is a problem with a particular batch of CPUs. Your CPUs came from the same batch, since the batch codes are the same on both chips. The date codes are slightly different, but all they really say is that the second CPU was made five weeks later (0824 = 24th week of 2008) than the first (0819 = 19th week of 2008.) If you are really interested in those codes, has a lot of information on them.

I am still left trying to figure out why it is not working.
Just a stab in the dark here .... have you tired different bios versions?

Loco & I had to downgrade our Bios verions to get our Intel CPUs working.
Just a stab in the dark here .... have you tired different bios versions?

Loco & I had to downgrade our Bios verions to get our Intel CPUs working.

Yeah, I thought about it.
I will try to contact Asus during the week and give it one last shot this coming weekend with a possible bios downgrade.
99% sure this won't work but maybe it's worth a shot reversing the cpus
I used to get a cpu mismatch error on my ASUS L1N64,
The solution was hardware not software.
I found out that some of the pins in the second LGA socket were not touching the processor.
With a pair of tweezers and the blunt end of an X-ACTO blade, I carefully repositioned a few pins which were ever so slightly out of line.
Afterwards no more error.

Good luck,

I used to get a cpu mismatch error on my ASUS L1N64,
The solution was hardware not software.
I found out that some of the pins in the second LGA socket were not touching the processor.
With a pair of tweezers and the blunt end of an X-ACTO blade, I carefully repositioned a few pins which were ever so slightly out of line.
Afterwards no more error.

Good luck,


I returned those chips and got two new matched ones.
I will try again this weekend with the upgrade.