Help with OC please


Jun 6, 2004
Im trying to get a higher OC out of my E6850 and my P5N32-E SLi Plus. There seems to be a large FSB hole aswell as a significant vdroop with this board. All reports show that it can hit some high FSB but I can't really OC must at all.

I posted earlier about getting some help with this problem. I purchased this CPU from another user and he stated he was able to get to 3.8Ghz stable without issue so I think its a problem with the board. I can't go higher then 3.4Ghz (I can load windows with 3.8Ghz but anything between the two speeds is not possible) it seems, which is weird considering what other people get with the new chips.

leeghoofd posted some settings and I can pass 2 hours of orthos (didn't let it go longer, temps were 47C during load) but at any other settings I fail orthos instantly.

Some recomendations on how to achieve higher clocks would be apprecieated, or just some more tips.