Help with SyncToy errors


Jan 21, 2012
A few weeks ago I picked up a WD 6TB drive to backup all of the media on my WHS 2011 server. My plan was to temporarily connect the drive to my desktop PC (after I do the backup I'll store the drive in my safe for a few months) until the next backup.

I finally got around to running the backup a couple of days ago. I initially tried using the pre-installed WD backup software, but had issues with the software navigating to my shared dives. It only allowed me to select local drives to backup. I had previously used SyncToy for backups, so I fired it up and set up an Echo backup for each of my shares: Documents, Videos, Pictures and Movies. Using it again reminded me of why I've used it in the past. Gotta like a nice simple program!!!

The back up finished, but had 12 errors. I can't tell a whole lot from the error message. I'm hoping someone here is more familiar with SyncToy and could give me some additional info on why these 12 files didn't copy to the external drive. Not sure if it matters, but they're all movies and all seem to be older movies??

Because it was a wide screen, I had to post the image in 2 sections to make it readable.

Thanks in advance.

WD backup drive errors-1.jpg
WD backup drive errors-2.jpg
Sorry, not familiar with SyncToy. But just to ask, can you manually copy those files? It might not actually be a SyncToy issue and may more deal with the underlying file system or storage medium.
I too tried synctoy some time ago and ran into hard to diagnose errors when there was no issue with the files, dates or path lengths. I switched to FreeFileSync and am perfectly happy with it. It is well maintained and frequently updated.
I gave up on SyncToy a long time ago. Robocopy has been far better for me.
Sorry, not familiar with SyncToy. But just to ask, can you manually copy those files? It might not actually be a SyncToy issue and may more deal with the underlying file system or storage medium.

I could manually copy them over, but I just wasnt sure what the "issue" was with the file originally.
I too tried synctoy some time ago and ran into hard to diagnose errors when there was no issue with the files, dates or path lengths. I switched to FreeFileSync and am perfectly happy with it. It is well maintained and frequently updated.

I'll check FreeFileSync out this weekend. Do you know if it will work with network shares??
I installed FreeFileSync this weekend. Took a little configuring, but I set it up to backup all of my network drives. I ran a mirror backup, saved the configuration and it finished without issues.

I'm breathing a bit easier this morning with a backup of my server data on an external drive in my safe!!!