Help With Warcraft 3


Feb 8, 2005
Hi, I reinstalled Warcraft 3 recently to play through the campaign again since I never finished thanks to the great multiplayer. I played a couple rounds online, then started on the SP. I just finished the campaign, but now I'm having trouble. When I try to connect to multiplayer, it gives me an error saying unable to connect to

I can think of a couple reasons. I have TFT and went to install that for after I finished ROC, but I lost my case, so I just entered a fake cd key to install it (I'm looking for a new copy if anybody wants to sell me theirs. Need to get some DoTA going) Maybe this affected it. Also, and more likely the culprit, I downloaded a no-cd execute for it since I hate shuffling through CDs

I figured a good reinstall would fix it, but I just can't connect to anymore. I didn't even install TFT this time. A couple times I was able to get into the Asia server, but thats it. I've done a clean uninstall and scoured the registry a couple times now hoping to fix it. I disabled Windows Firewall along time ago and my machine has no spyware or anything.

I doubt it's a setting, since it worked back when I first installed it. Did Blizzard ban me for using a no-cd or something? It's been at least a week since this happened. Any ideas?
Sounds like you should buy a legit copy of the game and stop messing around with no CD patches.
What do you mean? I have a legit copy of the game. I just don't like switching cd's. But even after I uninstalled it and then used the retail cd, it no longer worked.
Blinkme323 said:
What do you mean? I have a legit copy of the game. I just don't like switching cd's. But even after I uninstalled it and then used the retail cd, it no longer worked.
Well then you need to buy another one since you lost your CD key. IIRC, you have to enter your CD key prior to installing the game. How did you manage to get it to accept all 1's?
idk, I googled it and someone said to do that and it worked. After uninstalling though, I only put Reign Of Chaos on. But for some reason, it still won't work.

And I am looking for Frozen Throne if I can pick it up cheap enough. I already have the cd, so you'd just have to email me the key.
Blinkme323 said:
I can think of a couple reasons. I have TFT but I lost my case, so I just entered all 1's for the cd key to install it

There's your problem.

Blinkme323 said:
I doubt it's a setting, since it worked back when I first installed it. Did Blizzard ban me for using a no-cd or something? It's been at least a week since this happened. Any ideas?

Blizzard doesn't ban people for using no-cd programs. I use no-cd programs for War3, but I always save a backup of the files that are replaced. If a new patch comes out, I would restore those files and use my TFT cd to get the new patch. Unless you've saved the original files the no-cd program replaced, you might have to re-install the entire game and update it manually by downloading the patches from

But..... you have to re-install anyways since you don't have a valid TFT key.
I've reinstalled it several times without even installin the tft expansion with no luck
I used no-cd cracks as well (however they recently "broke" it)

You need a new cd-key. Go buy one.
you cant use "all 1's" and have online work. you need to either find your old cd-key or buy a new copy of the game, or cd-key. it has nothing to do with the no-cd crack
Perhaps I should have been more clear. I used my real cd key for ROC, but I lost the case for TFT. I am only trying to play ROC online until I can get a new copy of TFT. However, now it won't let me play online in either.

I'm assuming Blizzard banned my real cd key or my IP for using the No-cd patch. Kind of sucks tbh. I'm not so sure I should buy TFT again now, cuz I might not be able to play it.
You said you were able to connect to the Asia server a couple of times. If you can do that, then Blizzard did not ban your cd-key. What's the exact error message you get when you try to connect to Bnet?
Ok, I ran the diagnostic tool suggested on forum and I'm apparently IP banned for 2 weeks.
I was going to suggest it was an IP ban. I've been hardcore reporting griefers left and right myself lately. They actually do ban people if you follow the procedure for submitting a complaint about a player. Nasty has no patience for tk'ers or dumb people.
Doesn't Blizzard give you a new CD-Key if you can prove you own the game? Since you have the CD I think they will give you a new CD-Key for a minimal $$$.
Well its working again on every server but the Asian one now. Guess I'm unbanned. Now I just need a new copy of Frozen Throne. Anybody want to part with thiers for like $10?