Help, wont boot


Jul 6, 2004
I dont know what thread to post this in but anyways. I have mobile 2600+ barton with a ABIT NF-7 S. This morning everything was going fine, and then it just turned off. well i thought it was off, but the fans were still going. I tryed turning it back on and the fans just spun. Then unluged it, checked the ocnnections, turned it on again adn it worked. about an hour later it did it again, the fans just spun. so i checked all the connections and it didnt work. i unplugged and re plugged everything, change the plug configuration, put it back to normal. nothing works. now the red light on the mother board is on, but it wont even spin the fans.

anyone know whats the problem? i tried putting a paper clip in the green and black wires of my psu and nothing happened. do you think its PSU? Motherboard shortage? What is going wrong.the PSU is an antec 350 BTW, im not sure if i plugged the paperclip in teh right holes, but it didnt work. so im guessing its that, but it shuold be fine, i dont understand.

Thanks for help, Eben

edit: i reset the CMOS, now the fan just spins for a second and stops
I went out and bought a new PSU, an Antec Truepower 430. Now all the fans spin, the red light is on, but it wont post. its not beeping. i took everything out of case and put it back in, still no luck. i dont understand.

any ideas?
ahh, this shit is so stupid, why wont it work, it was working this morning. i replaced the PSU, so now what? i got my motherboard almost a year ago, what do i do now?

i am so frustrated.
I'm tired of telling people this but... please be more specific on your parts and your prior actions performed on the system. Such as specifying what Antec power supply it is. For example, if it was a Smart Power or a True Power and if you overclocked it or did any specific tweaks that we may not be aware of.

Now, I assume you did overclock your system because it is after all a mobile Athlon XP cpu and why would a mobile cpu be put in a desktop system? :D Well, reset the CMOS, try again. Something must've died because you overclocked it. If you actually did keep it overclocked for a long period of time, that one year used motherboard must've given way. Although, do try unplugging some unnecessary components first...

And it's funny you say "this shit is so stupid", you should've known the consequences of overclocking a system, regardless of the cpu being "mobile" or not...

Of course, if you didn't overclock the system, then I will say, "oops". :D

Thanks for trying to help geforce. Up above i wrote i got a Antec Truepower 430. and i have had this system at 2.2ghz, 1.525 volts since the week i have had it, so over 11 months. I had not changed any settings, the computer just started shutting down. now it wont boot. the fans spin however.

The red light on the motherboard is on, i requested an RMA on the board, well see how that goes.

I have made sure the videocard and ram are seated correctly, i have tried booting without CD Rom, Floppy, and HDD. I will try with one stick of ram tonight and see what happens.

would reseating my CPU be something to try?

Any ideas? this is strange.. Eben
Not strange at all if it has been overclocked for 11 MONTHS! :eek: I do firmly believe it was the cause of it. Make sure your temps are okay. Did you take out the battery off the motherboard? Take it out for at least a minute and then reset it back in. One stick of RAM in any slot, etc. Hm, that should be it. Let me know. :)

Edit: a 2600+ should be around a 2 ghz. Even with clocking it up 200 mhz with extra voltages should crack something within a few months. Was that with retail hsf? It very well might be your CPU... :X I firmly believe your CPU just bit the dust (I do find it strange though).

i RMAed my motherboard, got a new one, rebuilt it, everything works perfectly!

i guess the psu died and took the Mobo out with it, everthing else is good

i got a Praetorian case too, now its all workin and pretty.